Школа №1738 им. авиаконструктора М.Л.Миля

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СообщениеДобавлено: 30-09, 11:09 
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Экзамен проводится в устной форме. Каждый билет содержит три задания. Уровень – базовый.
Первое задание проверяет умения ознакомительного чтения (чтения с пониманием основного содержания). Экзаменуемому предлагается законченный в смысловом отношении текст (из публицистической или научно-популярной литературы) объемом приблизительно 1200 знаков. При обсуждении текста учащийся имеет право им пользоваться. В процессе подготовки к ответу учащийся может использовать двуязычный словарь. Задача экзаменуемого – кратко изложить основное содержание текста и обсудить его с экзаменатором. Экзаменатор задает не менее двух вопросов, которые проверяют, действительно ли учащийся понял основное содержание текста или просто воспроизводит короткие отрывки из него.
Второе задание проверяет умения монологической речи (монолог-рассуждение): умение делать сообщение, содержащее наиболее важную информацию по данной теме; рассуждать о фактах/событиях, приводя примеры и аргументы. Предлагаемая в билете формулировка задания ориентирует учащегося на монолог-рассуждение с привлечением личного опыта и выражения личного отношения.
Третье задание проверяет умения диалогической речи. Оно сформулировано в виде проблемного вопроса или актуальной коммуникативной задачи, которая обсуждается в беседе учителя и учащегося в рамках тематики, определенной действующей программой 5-11 классов средней школы. Экзаменаторы оценивают коммуникативные умения экзаменующегося, выполнение коммуникативной задачи, владение речевыми формулами, умение поддерживать беседу, реагировать на высказывания партнера и выражать собственное мнение. Коммуникативная задача носит личностный характер и учитывает реальный социальный опыт старшеклассника. От экзаменатора ожидается готовность участвовать в диалоге, реагировать на высказывания экзаменуемого, уточнять интересующую информацию и т.д. Ответ засчитан, если учащийся дал не менее пяти правильных реплик, соответствующих заданию.
Общая экзаменационная отметка складывается из трех отметок за выполнение отдельных заданий и является их средним арифметическим. Отметка «5» выставляется, если:
Первое задание. Учащийся понял основное содержание текста и связно изложил его в краткой форме. На заданные экзаменатором вопросы ответил правильно и полно.
Второе задание. Учащийся логично строит монологическое высказывание в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей в заданном объеме; демонстрирует умение рассуждать о фактах/событиях, приводя примеры и аргументы. Употребляет грамматические структуры и лексические единицы в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей; не допускает фонематических ошибок.
Третье задание. Учащийся логично строит диалогическое общение в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей в заданном объеме; демонстрирует умение осуществлять запрос информации, обращаться за разъяснениями, выражать свое мнение по осуждаемой проблеме. Употребляет грамматические структуры и лексические единицы в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей; не допускает фонематических ошибок.

( выбрано оптимальное количество – 20 билетов из рекомендованных в Сборнике приказов 25 билетов)

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о роли спорта в жизни людей - The Role of Sports in People’s Lives.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, каким видом транспорта лучше путешествовать: самолетом, поездом или автобусом. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. What means of transport would you prefer? Why?

1. Прочитайте и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о роли книги в жизни людей - The Role of Books in People’s Lives.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, где интересней и приятней отдыхать летом: у моря, в горах или в деревеньке, окруженной лесами. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. Where would you like to spend your holiday: in the country near the forest, in the mountains or by the river? Why?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о ваших планах на будущее - Your Plans for the Future.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, какие достопримечательности вашего города вы бы показали иностранцам. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. What places of interest could be attractive to your foreign friend?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о роли средств массовой информации в обществе и обоснуйте свой выбор - The Role of Mass Media.
3. Обоснуйте в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, нужна ли школьная форма. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. Would you like to introduce uniform in our school? Why? Why not?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о ваших любимых кинофильмах и обоснуйте свой выбор - Your Favorite Film.
3. Обоснуйте в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, какие хобби бывают у людей и что увлекательней: заниматься фотографией, спортом или коллекционированием. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. What hobbies do you know? What is your hobby? Would you like collecting things, taking photos or doing sports as a hobby?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о ваших родных местах и объясните, чем они вам дороги - We Are Proud of Our Motherland – Russia.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, все ли виды спорта полезны для здоровья. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing sports? Are all sports good for your health?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о заинтересовавшем вас празднике страны изучаемого языка - Holidays in English-Speaking Countries.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, зачем люди изучают иностранные языки. Why do people learn foreign languages? Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения.

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о ваших любимых телепрограммах и обоснуйте свой выбор - Your Favorite TV Programs.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, что такое здоровый образ жизни.What is healthy way of life? Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения.

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о вашей будущей профессии. Чем вы руководствовались, делая свой выбор? - Your Future Profession.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, что молодежь предпочитает смотреть по телевизору: новости, музыкальные передачи, сериалы, художественные фильмы. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения.
What are the most popular TV programs for teenagers: news reports, music, series or feature films?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о самых выдающихся достижениях России в искусстве и обоснуйте свой выбор - Russia’s Achievements in Arts.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, какие газеты и журналы популярны у молодежи. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения.What newspapers and magazines are popular with teenagers nowadays?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о ваших самых интересных летних каникулах - Your Best Summer Holidays. 3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, следует ли женщинам стремиться сделать карьеру, или для них важнее семья и дети. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения.What is more important for women: career or family life?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о том, как в вашей семье празднуют Новый год. Будете ли вы продолжать эти традиции? - Celebrating New Year’s Day in Your Family.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, какие российские города интересно было бы посетить. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. What Russian cities and towns would you like to visit?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о ваших увлечениях - Your Hobbies.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, какие достопримечательности Великобритании было бы интересно увидеть своими глазами. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. What places of interest would you like to visit in Great Britain?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о природе и экологических проблемах вашего региона - Protection of the Environment in Your Country.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, какие достопримечательности США было бы интересно увидеть своими глазами. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. What places of interest would you like to visit in the USA?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о самых выдающихся достижениях стран изучаемого языка в искусстве и обоснуйте свой выбор - Achievements of English-Speaking Countries in Arts.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, какие три книги вы бы взяли с собой на необитаемый остров. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. What three books would you like to take to a deserted island with you? Why?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о вашем опыте путешествий - Your Traveling Experience.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, какие открытия отечественных ученых оказали наибольшее влияние на мировой прогресс. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. What inventions of Russian people have influenced the scientific and technological progress?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о том, как вы проводите свой досуг - Your Leisure Time.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, почему между родителями и детьми (особенно подростками) не всегда есть полное понимание. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. Why is it so difficult to bridge the generation gap?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о вашей семье и семейных традициях - Your Family and Family Traditions.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем, что можно посоветовать человеку, у которого нет друзей. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения.What would you advise a person who has problems with making friends?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о наиболее значительных достижениях России в науке и технике - Russia’s Achievements in Science and Technology.
3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, какие качества вы цените в друзьях. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. What kind of person is a true friend?

1. Прочитайте текст и кратко изложите его основное содержание.
2. Расскажите о наиболее значительных достижениях стран изучаемого языка в науке и технике - Achievements of English-Speaking Countries in Science and Technology.
3. Обсудите с преподавателем вопрос о том, как вы проводите свое свободное время. Поинтересуйтесь, какие предпочтения есть у преподавателя, и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. How do you spend your free time?

Текст в первом задании заранее неизвестен. Образцы ответов во втором и третьем задании приводятся ниже. Например, билет №1 второе задание:

I think sport plays an important role in people’s lives in all countries. Doing sport helps people to stay fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.
Many sports are popular in Russia. They are: hockey, soccer, weightlifting, track and field, tennis, basketball, volleyball, boxing, figure skating, skiing, judo and shooting. All these sports have their strong supporters. There are many stadiums and public sports facilities in Russia. Numerous national and international matches and competitions are regularly held in Russia. They attract large numbers of fans, especially football fans. Most of important games are televised alive. Thousands of people go to the stadium to support their favourite team and many thousands more prefer to watch the games on TV.
The Russians are not only sports fans. They take an active part in all sports and sports activities. It’s been a tradition in this country to divide sport into professional and amateur (любительский). There are different sport clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in international tournaments and are known all over the world (I support ‘Lokomotiv’).
A great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts (Khorkina, Nemov), tennis players (Safin), figure skaters (Plustchenko).
In our country much attention is paid to organized sports, for example sporting activities are part of daily school activities. We have a big football field near our school, two gyms and a skating-rink (only in the winter). I will always remember our Physical Education classes with Nikolai Vasilievich, sports competitions and games organized by our teachers and coaches.
As for me, I used to go in for aikido and kickboxing when I was in the 6-7th grade. Now I often play handball because I enjoy team sports. (My favourite sport is tennis. I’ve been playing it since I was eleven years old. There is a good tennis court not far from my house in sport centre ‘Leader’. I go there with my friends.)
There are several well-known and popular British sports. The most well-known are cricket, golf, horse-racing (Queen Elizabeth’s favourite sport) and boat-racing. Americans love baseball which is their national sport. Football, or soccer, is popular in all countries. This game requires many technical skills and a special way of thinking. It is a team game with eleven players on the field. They are the goalkeeper, four defenders, three midfield link men and three forwards. The aim of the game is to kick the ball into the goal. The players work hard as a team and understand each other without words. The best football clubs are Arsenal, Barcelona, Manchester United, Real, Marcel, Chelsea. Big football clubs are run as big businesses. Football stars are promoted and sold for millions of dollars.
To sum up, sport, both amateur and professional, plays a great role in our lives.

Билет №1, образец третьего задания (партнер А – экзаменатор, партнер В – учащийся):

A: Do you like traveling?
B: Yes, I love going to other countries or traveling around Russia.
A: What means of transport would you prefer if you go abroad?
B: I would choose a jet plane to go abroad.
A: Why?
B: It is the fastest. When you travel fast, it is very convenient.
A: Are there any disadvantages of travelling by plane?
B: Well, I think there maybe some disadvantages. For example, a flight can be delayed. But it’s not a big problem for me. And I am not afraid of flights. The main disadvantage of traveling by plane is jet lag if you travel to the USA, I think.
A: What transport would you prefer in your trips around Russia?Where would you like to go?
B: I would like to go to St. Petersburg by train.
A: Why?
B: You see, when you travel by train, it is possible to look out of the window and enjoy the scenery of Russian countryside and see some old Russian towns. Besides, modern carriages are very comfortable.
A: What can you say about transport in Moscow?
B: The main city means of transportation in Moscow are: a car, taxi, bus, trolleybus, tram, and metro. Metro has always been the most convenient transport in Moscow. Unfortunately, now it is very overcrowded in rush hours. I usually take a bus to go from Zhulebino to Vykhino metro station. It takes me 10-15 minutes to get there. In rush hours it may take about half an hour. Then I go to the city centre by metro. My father/mother drives a car. He/she drives to his/her office every day. Sometimes it’s not very pleasant. Traffic jams are getting bigger and bigger. Drivers waste lots of time. The situation on roads is getting worse when people go to the countryside on weekends. It’s stressful. There are lots of road accidents. It’s awful!
A: I agree with you.
B: Can I ask you some questions? Have you got a driving license?
A: ...

The pupil who is never required to do what he cannot do, never does what he can do.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 29-12, 20:37 
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Зарегистрирован: 27-03, 15:26
Сообщения: 57
Откуда: 1738
Билет №2 (Уважемые знатоки английского! Реагируйте как-нибудь на темы, задания! Задавайте вопросы, вносите исправления, трансформируйте тексты монологов и диалогов, согласно своим вкусам и пристрастиям. GET THE BALL ROLLING!)

2. Расскажите о роли книги в жизни людей - The Role of Books in People’s Lives.


The death of the book has been predicted for the last century. There are people who think that cinema, radio and television are the murderers of our most treasured cultural icon, the book. The Internet is the latest suspect to hold the smoking gun.
As for me, I am not of the same opinion. I think books are still treasured by many people all over the world. More books are being published than ever before. Our nearest bookshops “Soyuz”, "Knizhnyi Labirint" offer plenty of books. It’s amazing that some of them are derived from series like “X Files”, “Lost” and almost all popular soap operas which were shown on STS channel.
Instead of killing the book the media have been one of its saviors. Of course, pulp fiction is more popular than classical literature, especially with teenagers. The majority of people prefer reading pulp fiction, because they want to relax. However, classical literature gives food to the mind for many, to say nothing about studying it in the framework of the school program.
Computing, and the development of the Internet, may cause a negative effect. Some books are indeed being replaced by electronic media. Who wants to use a twenty-volume encyclopedia when information can be retrieved immediately from a CD-ROM? Though, no one will lie in bed reading a novel from a CD-ROM.
I think that we can’t live without books. Encyclopedias, reference books and dictionaries help pupils to do well at school. There are a lot of books of different genres, for example, thrillers, historical novels, science fiction, adventure books and others. Boys all over the world like reading adventure novels, thrillers and horror stories, whereas (в то время как) girls prefer romances, historical novels and poetry. But recently, fantasy has become the best-loved genre of both.
As for my family, my father likes reading newspapers and magazines. He thinks it is a good way to learn the latest news from the point of view of different journalists. My mother is keen on reading romances and modern novels. She wouldn’t mind reading about the life of well-known people (or people in vogue) in magazines like “Karavan Istoriy”.
I enjoy reading detective stories, because they have interesting story lines and unusual endings. I like characters who conduct investigations such as Miss Marple or Sherlock Holmes.
I never believed there really were books that you couldn’t put aside. I changed my opinion when I started to read about Harry Potter’s adventures by Joan Rowling. Her book series include Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. When every book of the series is coming to the conclusion, Rowling is trying to keep the suspense going. This keeps millions of fans worldwide, young and old, queuing up in book shops to lay their hands on the latest book of the series. The same thing happened with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I read it almost without drawing breath and I have to say - I am impressed.
Well, five years ago I discovered the mysterious world of magicians which exists side by side with real world. Ordinary people who are called Muggles by magicians are completely unaware of what happens in the parallel world. Magicians try to hide their supernatural abilities and there is a special committee that makes Muggles forget all extraordinary things they could see.
Harry Potter is brought up by Muggles, but he is a real magician and goes to Hogwarts, a special school of magic sciences. In Book One Harry is small and thin. He is about 12. He wears glasses. He’s got a scar on his forehead, which is a mark of tragic events that happened 11 years before when a black magician Lord Voldemort killed Harry’s parents. Harry could also die, but his mother’s love saved him. Now Harry is the only person who can take over Voldemort. In every book Harry wins when he meets the Dark Lord face to face.
At Hogwarts Harry makes friends with Ron and Hermione, plays quidditch, studies how to defend from Dark Arts, meets rivals, like Draco Malfoy, and has exciting new adventures every academic year. He becomes very popular because he helps good people and punishes bad ones.
To my mind, the character of Harry Potter is so attractive because lots of teens feel lonely and misunderstood. Their everyday life is dull. If they differ from other teenagers, they are usually laughed at. Harry Potter is like a modern Cinderella. It’s great to find out that your life can be changed and you can become a famous person in the world of wizards, witches and ghosts. Any teenager who is reading the story believes that he/she can also start to practice magic, have an owl as a pet, and meet unicorns, vampires, elves, and goblins.
I admire Joan Rowling’s talent that has made miracles true to life. In her fictional world the evil embodied in Lord Voldemort cannot win. Unfortunately, in our real world there is a lot of injustice: good people may lose and bad people may win.
I believe that Russian authors also have magic in their fingertips. They will surely write a magical story, told in the most human of ways and appealing to the heart as well as the imagination.

3. Обсудите в беседе с преподавателем вопрос о том, где интересней и приятней отдыхать летом: у моря, в горах или в деревеньке, окруженной лесами. Поинтересуйтесь мнением преподавателя и аргументируйте свою точку зрения. Where would you like to spend your holiday: in the country near the forest, in the mountains or by the river? Why?


- Where would you like to spend your holiday: in the country near the forest, in the mountains, or by the sea?
- I think that going to the country is the best. As for me, I go to the country on my summer holidays. There I usually stay with my mum and granny in our summer house. It's near ... (the name of the village or town). We have a small garden where we grow vegetables. There are some trees and flowers as well. We can go to swim in the river and play beach volleyball.
- What do you do when it rains?
- We watch TV, read or have a party. We are happy when guests come to see us. Russian people are very hospitable. We like to gather at our big table and have tea with pancakes, jam, and honey. My granny can cook delicious jam. It’s so delicious because she takes fruit and berries which were grown in our garden.
- Going to the seaside would be great! I prefer to stay at the sea (the Black Sea, the Mediterranean) in a five-star hotel. Lots of people from Russia go to Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, or the Cyprus. Tourist industry is highly developed there. For example, the airport in Antalya has been rebuilt and numerous hotels are waiting for the guests to come. They can offer comfortable rooms, all the necessary facilities and entertainments to make your holidays unforgettable.
- What did you like best when you were staying there?
- I like trips to different places of interest like … I enjoy paragliding and water sports. But disco parties are the best. I love dancing all night long.
- Do you like the food?
- Usually it’s great. I eat lots of fruit and cakes. I would like to go to the sea again and again.

Здесь и далее в диалогах не писала и не буду писать вопросов экзаменующихся к экзаменатору. Уверена, что справитесь сами. Например, Would you like to go on a cruise (a round-the-world trip, a safari, a trek)? And so on and so forth.

Любители экстремального отдыха пишите свой вариант диалога. Проверим.

The pupil who is never required to do what he cannot do, never does what he can do.

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Выберите из списка название ВУЗа, в который вы поступаете:
Moscow State University
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Higher School of Economics
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics
Moscow Pedagogical University
Finance Academy
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
State Management University
Moscow State Law Academy
Moscow Agricultural Academy
People’s Friendship University of Russia
Moscow Aviation Institute
Moscow Medical Academy
Если его нет в этом списке, сообщите мне название на русском языке. Я найду на соответствующем сайте. Далее тема и диалог:

At present I’m 17 years old and I’m taking my final exams. Soon I’ll get the Certificate of 11-year education that makes it possible for me to enter a university or any kind of a higher educational institution. I believe I will be able to enter ____________ (название ВУЗа).
At this moment it isn’t easy to say what job and career I will pursue after graduating from the university. But as far as I understand, there are the following steps that should be taken if I want to find a proper job.
It is necessary to be patient and start looking through websites, newspaper advertisements, writing letters of application and making telephone calls. Friends and parents can also help.
Then it is possible that I will find a certain company which needs a specialist in my field. In this case I will contact a personnel officer (работник отдела кадров) of this company and, probably, he or she will invite me for an interview.
An interview is an important part of getting a good job. Of course, I will be very nervous, but I hope I will do well in the interview. I will take care of my appearance and good manners. I will wear a business suit in good taste. I will carry my curriculum vitae (краткая биография) and references in a special leather file. I’ll smile pleasantly and shake hands firmly.
I will have all the necessary papers, because most companies expect all the personal information to be entered on a standard application form. This gives a better impression of a candidate.
I am sure that my knowledge of English will offer me more advantages. I’ll also tell my future employers that I have some computer skills. In a five-year’s time, I may have a driving license as well.
If I am taken in the staff of this firm, they’ll give me a job as a trainee (стажер) and for some time I’ll be in a junior position.
I think I won’t earn very much money at first. But I’ll take more training courses. Very soon I’ll get experience. I hope, at the age of 25-30, I will be able to provide a decent life to my family. If I work hard and if the company is really good, I hope to be given several pay rises (прибавку к зарплате).
Then 6-7 years later, I expect to be in charge of a department. I am also planning to be a shareholder (акционер) of this company.
I believed I will be motivated by work satisfaction and good salary. I’ll try to find a job which involves a lot of foreign travel, because I want to see other countries and meet people.
I’ll have a medical insurance (медицинскую страховку) and a bank account (счет в банке). In my opinion, it’s reasonable to save some money for a rainy day.
Actually, at present it is difficult to predict anything. I understand that I can be dismissed (уволен) or face other problems. I hate the idea of being unemployed, so I’ll do my best not to be sacked. I hope my future profession will be interesting and well-paid.

- What places of interest could be attractive to your foreign friend?
- I’d take my foreign friend to see the best attractions of Moscow. We would begin with Red Square. It is one of the monuments of architecture which has international importance. Today we can see the parade of Presidential Regiment in Red Square or in the courtyard of the Kremlin. This ceremony takes back to the times of Peter the Great. It was a traditional ceremony for Semyonovski and Preobrazhenski regiments. It would be great to see this old ceremony.
- What else can you see in Red Square?
- We can see the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, the monument of Minin and Pozharsky, and the Mausoleum. The best-known attraction in Red Square is the Kremlin. It is the masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture. The main Kremlin tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become the symbol of the country. Certainly, I will tell my foreign friend that the Kremlin is the residence of the President and his Administration.
- What exhibits can you see inside the Kremlin?
- I’m quite interested in the history of our country. I’d rather take my guest to the Diamond Fund exhibited in the Kremlin Armoury building. We would see Orlov diamond, Shakh diamond and the Imperial Crown of Russia. They are just fascinating! I will tell my guest the stories connected with these unique exhibits.


It’s impossible to imagine our life without mass media. The most important mass media are newspapers, radio, television, and the Internet. They inform, educate, and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Sociologists say that news is not what happens; it is what you see or read about in the mass media. PR-techniques are based on the mass media and help to mold public opinion, especially during election campaigns. So, mass media have both advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand, radio, television and the press are valuable because they help to get the latest news and weather forecast. We can get any information from the Internet in a few minutes. It’s a good way to relax listening to the radio, watching films on TV, read the press, or surf the Internet. On the other hand, the mass media usually focus on negative information. Watching news programs we primarily learn about war, crimes, disasters, and accidents. Negative information causes stress and bad mood. Some children may become aggressive if they watch violent programs. How can we stop it?
Moreover, there is a lot of gossip in the press. Paparazzi follow celebrities everywhere and some terrible things may happen like the road accident with Princess Diana. I think government should control what is on TV because there are too many stupid chat shows, endless daily soap operas and terrible action films. Some people think the media is getting worse and worse. I totally agree. There is too much sex, violence and adverts. In my opinion most adverts are tasteless. It’s great that our Duma is taking laws to cut time for commercials.
Some people can’t do without a newspaper, especially in the underground or during the lunch break. My family subscribes to Komsomolka, because it is informative, interesting and objective. We can buy newspapers and magazines in any kiosk. My father likes ‘Avtomir’ because he reads articles describing the world of cars. My mother buys women’s magazines for those who sew and knit magazines (Burda, Verena), about the lives of celebrities, the so-called people in vogue, like ‘Biografia’, and other magazines about events in the world of art and fashion.
I like ‘Vokrug Sveta’ because it contains stories about travel, adventure, geography, unknown lands and civilizations, secrets of nature and history. I sometimes read tabloids (Moskovsriy Komsomolets), local newspapers (Zhulebinski Bulevar), fashion magazines.
There are dozens of radio stations in Russia. Most of them broadcast music of a definite style, for example Radio Chanson broadcasts Russian chanson. I usually listen to Radio Next because I love R’n’B. This music and popular DJs attract teenagers. There are talk shows and intellectual quizzes on many radio stations. It is possible to give the host of the program a telephone call and win a prize. Radio has another advantage: you can do something and listen to the radio at the same time.
Nowadays many families have several TV sets. Television gives people a chance to learn about the world. I think that such films as ‘Walking with Dinosaurs’ and ‘Wildlife’ are television masterpieces. I usually watch BBC programmes. My favourite TV personality is Nikolai Drozdov.
The Internet is the newest kind of mass media. It is a powerful means of communication and a great source of information which helped me in my school studies. I am fond of music. I download some music almost every day. I communicate with my mates in chat rooms.
To sum up, the mass media are an essential part of modern democratic society. The reasons are easy to understand. Democracy requires informed and politically educated citizens who can make decisions for themselves. In turn, they need reliable news and access to a wide variety of opinions in order to make correct choices rather than being manipulated.
Most people do not have a deep understanding of political issues. We rely upon the media to keep us informed, primarily through TV news, but also in newspapers and on the radio. Indeed, the great merit of television is that it brings political leaders and events from around the world into our own living rooms where we see and hear them for ourselves, and form our own judgments. The news media are sometimes described as ‘the fourth estate of the realm’, ‘the fourth branch of power’, or ‘the watchdog of the constitution’. This role is a demanding and complex one.


-Would you like to introduce a uniform in our school?
-In my opinion, school uniform is necessary. If we had a uniform in our school, most students would spend less time trying to choose clothes before going to school.
-Is it a problem for you?
-You see, some of my schoolmates think it’s bad to wear the same clothes every day. They want to look trendy. They change clothes as often as they can. I think it’s a problem for parents. If parents can’t afford to buy new clothes for their children, the children may feel humiliated. Some stupid mates may laugh at the way they are dressed. It causes stress.
-Do you think that uniform may help to get rid of these problems?
-Yes, I do.
-I don’t think that it is necessary to introduce school uniform. A uniform is for military schools. I don’t like when people look as alike as two peas. Wearing different clothes is a way to show your individuality, it’s a part of a certain lifestyle. I would never wear clothes that I don’t like.
-Have you seen some uniforms of boarding schools in Great Britain? I think students look neat and smart wearing skirts, trousers, shirts and waistcoats or jackets with emblems of their schools.
-I agree that they are nice. But I don’t think it’s comfortable to wear them every day. It is necessary to have two uniforms for a change. I think some people can’t afford it.
-What style of clothes do you prefer?
-I prefer jeans.


Since the beginning of the 20th century cinematography has been developing very fast. It gave rise to a great number of film genres.
Film genres are various groups of films that have similar patterns. The main film genres are action-adventure films, comedies, gangster films, melodramas, historical, horror, musical, science fiction, war films, and westerns.
Action films usually include high energy, big-budget physical stunts (каскадерские трюки) and chases (погони), possibly with rescues (спасения), battles and fights. I like/don’t like / don’t mind such films.
Adventure films are usually exciting stories with new experiences (опыт, впечатления) or exotic countries.
Comedies are light-hearted and designed to amuse and provoke laughter (развлекать и вызывать смех).
Gangster films are developed around criminals like bank robbers.
Dramas are serious with realistic characters and life situations. Usually they don’t have many special effects.
Sci-fi films are scientifically based (научно обоснованы) but tell about imaginative heroes, aliens (инопланетяне), distant planets.
I would like to tell you about a sub-genre. It’s a gothic thriller, the first Russian blockbuster, Nochnoi Dozor (Night Watch). The box office (касса) took $5.3 million for this film. Even The Matrix and Terminator-3 have never seen such success (успех) in Russia.
This boom was worked up by the PR of The First Channel and special effects, which are new to the Russian cinematography. Besides, Sergei Lukyanenko's novels are highly popular with young people. The trilogy includes the novels "Night Watch", "Day Watch" and "Twilight Watch".
The plot is based on the story of a virgin in Byzantium who got cursed. Because of her curse there was dark in the world. Forces of light then rose up to combat evil. They fight until it is realized neither can win. Then balance remains as Others (gifted people on both sides – «Иные») maintain the balance - the Night Watch control the dark side by licensing them and the Day Watch are supposed to control the light side.
Skip to 2004. ‘A special Other’ arrives in the world, he will decide the balance between light and dark, and he must choose which side to take. At the same time the virgin comes back and brings a vortex (tornado and lots of crows) with her, this is apparently not good and so the Light sides have to stop the Other being bitten by vampires (Dark) and find out who cursed this virgin.
The film is stuffed with special effects, for example, the Night Watch have a van with a rocket engine which makes tricks enhanced by computer technologies.
There is also this thing called the Twilight (Сумрак) which these Others can slip into, but not for long or it consumes them, the Dark can get on quite well in the Twilight and often hide there.
Anyway, the story and tension builds till the Other makes his choice and the Night Watch find out who cursed the virgin and do something about it.
That's the basic story. The acting was not bad. Konstantin Khabensky starred as Anton Gorodetsky, Vladimir Menshov as Geser, Valeri Zolotukhin as Vampire, Mariya Porishina as Svetlana, the cursed virgin, Galina Tyunina as Olga, the sorceress (an owl), Yuri Kutsenko as Ignat, Ilya Lagutenko as Vampire Andrei, Zhanna Friske as Alisa Donnikova and Rimma Markova as Darya Schultz, witch.
There's some good action and a reasonable amount of blood (a guy produces a sword from an odd place – his spinal). There's a very good animated sequence (much better than Kill Bill), and the whole thing is pretty much filmed in blues and reds which works well to give the film a Gothic feel.
Overall, it was a very enjoyable film, visually distinctive, great soundtrack which varies from classical to Goth rock, good digital effects and a fairly simple story followed to a reasonable conclusion. Watching this film is a good way to spend 2 hours.
Oh there is a great quote from this film, Night Watch! Everyone step out of the Twilight!

- What hobbies do you know?
- Most people collect something at some period of their life: stamps, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, stickers, toys. Some collections have no real value. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.
- What is your hobby?
- When I was a child I had a collection of …
Now I can say that my hobby is downloading music. I have a collection of some music styles on my computer – R’n’B, funk, techno, rap, soundtracks from different films.
- Do you know any hobbies of famous people?
- I know that Queen Elizabeth II likes pets. She has always had some pets. Her hobby is breeding dogs. She has bred a new kind of some little doggie – a corgi. Besides, she has always been sporty. She loves horse-racing. She used to ride on horseback a lot. Today Her Majesty visits horse races regularly. I think it’s not only a tradition but her hobby as well.

The pupil who is never required to do what he cannot do, never does what he can do.

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The official name of my native country is the Russian Federation. It is the biggest country in the world. Its great history and unique culture are treasured by all Russian people. I am not an exception. I love my country. I am proud of Russian people and their achievements. I hope my generation will do everything for the benefit of our country.
Russia is famous for its size which is hard to imagine. The flight from Moscow to Magadan takes eight hours. Russia is situated in Europe and Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometers. It borders many countries like Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China. It has a sea border with the USA.
Russia is the country of mighty rivers like Lena, Amur, Yenisei. The largest river in Europe is the Volga. Baikal is the deepest lake. The country is located on two plains: the Great Russian Plain and the Western Siberian Plain. Russia is a country of high mountains. The Caucasus stretches from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea; its highest mountain is Mount Elbrus. The Urals extend from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes. They divide the European and Asian parts of Russia.
Climate has influenced the character and lifestyle of Russian people greatly. It is cold in the North even in summer. The central part has mild climate, in the South it is warm all year round. The climate of Siberia is continental: summers are hot and dry, winters are very cold.
Russia is very rich in mineral resources such as oil, natural gas, gold and others.
The population of Russia is about 150 million people.
The Russian Federation is a presidential republic. The President is the head of state and is elected directly by people. The president guarantees the basic rights of the people and is involved in the work of the legislative and executive branches. The Federal Assembly represents the legislative branch of power. It consists of two houses: the Federation Council and the Duma which make laws. All people can elect their representatives to the Federal Assembly. So, our country is democratic.
I am proud of my country and I don’t want to live anywhere else. I was born in Moscow. Moscow is the capital of our country. It was founded in 1147. It’s a wonderful city. There are many sights here. You can visit a lot of museums, art galleries, theatres, churches, cathedrals and monuments in our capital.
The Moscow Kremlin is the best-known sight visited by millions of tourists every year.
Foreigners say it isn’t easy to understand the Russians. There are a lot of stereotypes about Russian people which are true in many cases. I agree that Russians think and act big, because we are impressed with the size of our country. We build such colossal things as the Cathedral of Jesus Christ the Savior or the Mother Russia Monument in Volgograd. We don’t save water and often waste electricity, because our country is rich in resources.
Anyway, our cruel climate and harsh history made us value stability and overcome hardships.
I like Russian people because they are hospitable. We often gather around the table on holidays or when guests come. When I visit some other countries, I often try to compare them with my homeland. I think there is no place like home.


-What are the advantages of doing sports?
-I think that amateur (любительский) sport has more advantages than disadvantages. Doing sport helps people to stay fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.
-Do you have any friends who are in for sports?
-Yes, I do. I know some people who are fond of sports and do sports regularly. They have well-trained muscles, so they are attractive. I mean, they are pleasant to look at.
-Are there any disadvantages?
-Of course, doing sports takes a lot of time. You have to exercise every day but it’s hard if you have to study. Oh and nobody wants to lose. Some people may be jealous if their rival wins. But professional sport has much more disadvantages.
-What are they?
-You see, the main point of taking part in sports professionally is money. On the one hand, it’s a great motivation for athletes to improve their results. On the other hand, commercialization has often negative influence, for example, some matches are a real cheating of fans.
-Would you like to do a professional sport and get a lot of money?
-No, I wouldn’t. When sport career is over, sportsmen may notice that they are lonely and jobless. Their bodies have been worn out by too much stress, joints (суставы) and muscles get deformed.
-Do you agree that some sports are not good for health?
-You are absolutely right. Sportsmen suffer from physical injuries which they get doing figure skating, wrestling, gymnastics, bobsledding, skiing. Some sportsmen try to get better results using steroids. All these things ruin their health.


British and American people love holidays. Any holiday is celebrated with lots of food and presents.
On state holidays there are parades, fireworks and official ceremonies. For example on Veteran’s Day Americans remember the veterans. The President puts flowers on the Tomb of the unknown Soldiers in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.
One of the best-loved holidays in both countries is Christmas. It is celebrated on the 25th of December. Santa Claus visits children and puts presents into their stockings. It’s a nice tradition.
I would like to tell you about St. Valentine’s Day because I like the tradition of celebrating this holiday.
On February 14 each year millions of cards, flowers, candy and tokens of love (знаки любви) are exchanged between sweethearts, all in the name of St. Valentine. Chocolates and jewelry are the big hits of this holiday as well as romantic dinners.
But who is this mysterious saint and why do people celebrate this holiday? Much of St. Valentine's story is a mystery, clouded by centuries of myths and legends. As a matter of fact, February has long been a month of romance.
The first interpretation has this celebration originating as a pagan (языческая) tradition in the third century. During this time hordes of hungry wolves roamed outside of Rome where shepherds kept their flocks. The God Lupercus, was said to watch over the shepherds (пастухи) and their flocks (стада) and keep them from the wolves. Every February the Romans celebrated a feast called Lupercalia to honor Lupercus so that no harm would come to the shepherds and their flocks.
St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, keeps both ancient Roman and Christian tradition. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid, the Roman god of love, who is represented by the image of a young boy with bow and arrow. Cupid became associated with it because he was the son of Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty.
The most popular legend tells that St. Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. Another version had St. Valentine jailed for helping Christians. He comforted, encouraged, and even rescued victims of religious persecution (преследование). While Valentine was in prison he cured a jailer's daughter of blindness. Claudius became enraged and had Valentine clubbed (забили насмерть дубинками) and beheaded (обезглавлен) on February 14, 269 A.D.
The most romantic story claims that Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself. While in prison, he fell in love with a young girl -- who may have been his jailor's daughter. Valentine poured out his heart on paper, writing the most beautiful love letters to her. When the date was set for his execution, he penned the last words to his sweetheart, which he signed: "From Your Valentine" an expression that is still in use today.
The truth behind the Valentine legends is not obvious but the stories certainly describe him as a sympathetic, heroic, and, most importantly, romantic figure. In 496 Pope Gelasius declared the day in honor of St. Valentine. Through the centuries the February 14 remained a time to exchange love messages and gifts although the holiday was removed from the Church's calendar in 1969.


-Why do people learn foreign language?
- I think our world is becoming a global village. It is necessary to learn foreign languages to communicate with people of different nationalities.
-Why do people choose to learn English?
-About 400 million people speak English. Since many people speak English as their native language in such highly developed countries as the USA, Great Britain and Canada, people in other countries study English to communicate with English-speakers. English is also the language of international communication. Many people whose languages are different, can understand each other if they speak English.
English is now the language used in computers. About half of the mail and scientific books are in English. English is the language of many international organizations like the United Nations. I think these are the main reasons why people in Russia study English.
In my opinion, there is one more reason. We study English because it is taught at schools, colleges and Universities all over the world. It is impossible to work well now if you don’t know English. If someone is going to apply for a good job, the knowledge of English will be required.
-Why are you going to study English after finishing school?
-As for me, I study English because I am going to use it as a language of international communication – lingua franca. Doing my studies or working for a company I will communicate with foreign students and colleagues in English. In my free time I will talk with people in chat rooms in English. I may even read books and watch video in English. Moreover, I like to sing English songs!


Television offers us a lot of possibilities. Firstly, we get informed because we can watch news programs and weather forecast.
Anyway, I appreciate television not only for giving information, but also for entertaining us. There are various TV programs: talk shows, game shows, profiles, crime, sport, news, children’s programs, and, of course, television series.
As for me, my favourite TV program is KVN. KVN is an abbreviation of Russian: Клуб Весёлых и Находчивых. "Club of the Merry and Inventive" people is a Russian humor TV show where teams (usually teams of students) compete by giving funny answers to questions, improvisations, prepared sketches. The program has been aired by Channel One since November 8th 1961. Eleven years later, in 1972, when a few programs were being broadcast live, Soviet censors found the students' impromptu jokes offensively anti-Soviet and banned the KVN for fourteen years. The show was revived during the Perestroika era, in 1986, with Alexander Maslyakov as its host. It is one of the longest-running programs on Russian TV.
The game of KVN is a turn-based task-based team competition in front of live audience judged by panel of judges. Typically, each team is asked to complete 4-5 assignments such as:
Greeting (Privetstviye) - witty introduction of the team, humorous greeting to the jury and spectators.
Warm-up (Razminka) - rapid exchange of funny questions and improvised answers, sometimes played against the audience, jury and/or the host.
Musical Competition (Muzykal'nyy Konkurs or Muzykalka) - a competition in which the competing teams show musicals sketches and numbers involving singing, playing musical instruments and dancing.
STEM - "students variety miniature" (Studencheskiye Estradnyye Miniatyury, Russian: Студенческие Эстрадные Миниатюры) a contest in which only three performers from a team are allowed be on stage simultaneously.
Captains contest (Kapitanskiy Konkurs) - individual competition between the team captains.
Homework - comedy theater sketches on a given topic.
BRIZ - named after the Bureau of Rationalization and Invention. In this contest the teams need to present something such as an invention, a brief historical survey, movies, photo-albums or any type of new idea. It is also called a literature contest because it mainly consists of textual jokes.
News Contest (Konkurs Novostey) - similar to the BRIZ, but focuses on strange and funny "news".
Biathlon (Biatlon) - a contest in which a representative of each team "shoots" two or more jokes at the audience. The jury decides who leaves the "shooting range" until only two contestants remain and the jury picks one winner who gets 1 point.
Freestyle - a more modern and free version of the Greeting in which the teams have no restrictions of genre.
Cinema Contest (Kino-Konkurs) - a contest which involves making a movie, making a clip to a song, making a clip consisting of different video and audio pieces or dubbing a well-known movie.
A panel of judges, usually comprised of well-known celebrities, actors and writers, evaluates performances on wit, humor, production values and spectators reaction and declares a winner by awarding points to the teams. In the Premier-League the jury consists only of famous KVN players.
Groups of KVN teams are organized into several Leagues, where they compete annually for the League Champion title. KVN is so popular that there are literally hundreds of Leagues around the globe. Games of 2 Leagues are regularly broadcast on Russian Channel One: the Major League and the Premier-League, other Leagues are broadcast on local channels. Winner of the Major League (Vysshaya Liga Russian: Высшая Лига) is declared the Champion of the Club.
For more than 20 years TV broadcasts of KVN games receive the highest ratings in Russia. The popularity of the game is so high that even politicians use it as an opportunity to gain extra points, both Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin attended games played before the elections.
My favourite teams are RUDN, Prima and Obychnye Lyudi. I find them extremely witty and creative. Their theatre sketches are great!
In my opinion, KVN is better than Comedy Club. KVN is originally our Russian program. Although, Comedy Club is rather popular with young people today, it is just an American-style stand-up comedy club. Its traditions were not originated in our country; therefore it’s not so close to Russian people. To say nothing about some dirty jokes.


-What is healthy way of life?
-I think it means being active. Health is the man’s greatest wealth. Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about the food they eat, about the air they breathe, and the way they look and feel. They understand that staying active as you get older gives you more energy and helps to avoid diseases.
-How can we stay active?
-Some of my friends are nuts on aerobics, shaping and bodybuilding. We can also do cycling, walking, swimming, and even dancing to keep our body flexible, make our heart and lungs stronger. We shouldn’t smoke or drink alcohol, keep to a healthy diet, avoid junk food.
-What is a healthy diet?
-Healthy diet is based on well-balanced food. Well-balanced food includes 7 important components: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber. We should eat more fruit and vegetables; stop eating chocolate, paste, cakes and sweets in big quantities.


When you are leaving school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It’s not easy to make the right choice of a job. I have known for a long time that leaving school is the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of far more serious examination of my abilities and character.
I have asked myself a lot of times, ‘What do I want to be when I leave school?’ A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about which career to pursue. It was difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds jobs to which I might be better suited. Once I wanted to visit a specialist, a career adviser, and ask him what my future profession might be. My friend said I should visit a fortune-teller. But finally I talked to my parents and made up my mind to go to the State Management University. Our decision is based on the fact that I am good at maths, English and economics. So, my future profession might be a manager.
What do I know about this profession? A manager has to adjust some initial plan and control the actions taken to reach the intended goal. From this perspective, there are five management functions: Planning, Organizing, Leading, Co-ordinating and Controlling. Management is also called "Business Administration", and schools that teach management are usually called "Business Schools". Management also has a responsibility to innovate and improve the functioning of the organization.
A manager is usually hired by a president or an owner of a firm. Any owner of a firm needs a manager called Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who is ultimately responsible for the success or failure of the business. He or she provides overall strategic direction for the firm, often with the assistance of a team of vice presidents. Strategic management decisions like what products to market, what market segments to target, what functions to outsource, what business model to employ, and what geographical areas to operate in are the responsibility of the CEO. The CEO is accountable to the board of directors.
It’s very difficult to be a good manager. I must be well-educated and well-informed. I must know English very well and study Business Correspondence, Finance, Team Work, and Marketing.
My decision to become a teacher of English is based on the fact that I am good at languages and literature. I am rather patient with little children and have an ability to explain things clearly. I hope at my University I will get more skills, study languages further and get some teaching practice.
What do I know about my future profession? Teachers need the ability to understand a subject well enough to convey its essence to a new generation of students. The goal is to establish a proper knowledge base on which students will build their life experiences. The passing of knowledge from generation to generation allows students to grow into useful members of society. Good teachers are able to translate information, experience, and wisdom into a significant knowledge of a subject. I hope I will use all the necessary methods of teaching and become a good teacher.
My future profession is very important because progress in every practical field depends on how people were educated.
Unfortunately, as a profession teaching has very high levels of Work-Related Stress which are listed as amongst the highest of any profession.


-What are the most popular TV programs for teenagers: news reports, music, series or feature films?
-I think that most teenagers are too light-minded to watch news reports regularly. They would rather switch to another channel and watch MTV, Sport or a soap opera on STS. The most popular TV programs are …
-What about feature films?
-Teenagers all over the world are nuts about ‘Star Wars’ which is one of the most popular, profitable, entertaining, and successful science fiction/action - adventure/fantasy films of all time. It has advanced special-effects technology to a degree unseen before. It brought the phrase "May the Force be with you" into common usage. This film is a mythological tale of space-age heroism (fighting Evil for the sake of Good). It features memorable characters - a benevolent ex-Jedi Knight, an imprisoned Princess of the peace-loving Rebel Alliance, two comical robotic droids, a space-pilot (Harrison Ford), a beastly creature named Chewbacca, and an idealistic young boy who becomes trained in the righteous ways of the Force in order to rescue the captured Princess from the evil Empire's Death Star and the dark forces of the Empire, led by evil Darth Vader. All things combined have brought this film a great success.


Russia’s achievements in arts are great. When we speak about Russian culture, we must speak about opera and ballet, music, fine arts, and literature.
Russian opera is well-known. Such masterpieces as ‘Ivan Sousanin’ and ‘Ruslan and Lyudmila’ by Glinka are in the collection of the best operas of the world. Every year thousands of Russian citizens and tourists enjoy ‘Eugene Onegin’ and ‘The Queen of Spades’ by Tchaikovsky.
Russian composers Tchaikovski, Musorgsky, Rakhmaninov and others have created beautiful music. Russian modern composers follow their tradition.
Russian school of painting started long ago, beginning with icon-painting. Well-known icon-painters Pheophan Greek and Andrey Rublyov created masterpieces which attract tourists from all over the world. Russian painters express the Russian soul and the beauty of Russian nature in their pictures. Landscapes of Levitan and Shishkin, historical canvases of Surikov and Repin, mythological pictures of Vrubel and Vasnetsov charm the visitors of the museums.
Russian literature is known as an example of good style. Since the first printing house of Ivan Fyodorov started to work, the Russian people have never stopped to read. Our writers Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, and Fyodor Dostoevsky – are studied at all schools. Verses of Russian poets, such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov, Yesenin, Mayakovsky, are translated into many languages. Mikhail Sholokhov, Boris Pasternak, and Joseph Brodsky were awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
In my opinion, Russian ballet is Russia’s great treasure. The Russian school of ballet is known for its well-trained and beautiful dancers, such as Anna Pavlova, Maya Plisetskaya, Ilse Liepa, Vladimir Vasiliev, and Rudolf Nuriev. They do very difficult elements and have their own unique style of dance. We are proud of our great ballets like ‘The Nutcracker’ and ‘Swan Lake’ by Tchaikovsky, ‘Spartak’ by Khachaturyan.
I admire the star of the St. Petersburg Maryinsky Ballet, Uljana Lopatkina. Maryinsky Ballet is one of the two major ballet companies of Russia. The other one is the Bolshoi Ballet company. Maryinsky Ballet is regarded as the best European ballet company which has strict classical traditions of elegance and beauty. The company was originally the Imperial Russian Ballet. In 1889 it moved into the Maryinsky Theatre. Under the direction of Marius Petipa the company premiered the Tchaikovsky ballets Sleeping Beauty (1890) and Swan Lake (1895). The company went into decline after the Russian Revolution in 1917, but the great teacher and ballet mistress Agrippina Vaganova (1879–1951) helped preserve its traditions by training the company's principal dancers. Her work became the foundation of ballet instruction in the Soviet Union. In 1935 the company was renamed the Kirov Ballet. During the cold war, the company experienced difficulties as many of its dancers, including Nureyev, Makarova, and Baryshnikov, defected to the West. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the company has produced, along with its traditional repertoire, ballets by Balanchine and other modern choreographers. Valery Gergiev now holds the post of the artistic director of the Maryinsky Theatre.

Dialogue Сократите диалог по своему усмотрению, выбрав несколько изданий.

- What newspapers and magazines are popular with teenagers nowadays?
- I think teenagers don’t read magazines a lot. But there are periodical publications which are rather popular. Most girls are keen on fashion and romance so they read magazines for girls such as ‘Elle Girl’. “Rovesnik” is teen’s magazine about all styles in music, the most interesting events in youth culture and celebrities’ lives, fashion and sport news, love for adventures and just love. Boys prefer magazines for gamers. Here are some of magazines which tell about the world of computers. ‘Game.exe’ provides useful information about new and well known games for all ages. It gives all the details of the favorite games, software and video cards. ‘Domashnij Komputer’ is a magazine for the modern family. Presents such computer novelties as new software, PC games, CDs, notebooks, informational resources and Internet search engines.’ Mir PK’ (personal computer), a magazine for all computer users, contains reviews of current software and hardware, new information technologies, results of testing of new products on the Russian and world markets.‘Haker’ is just the right magazine for hackers. In each issue: Hi Tech News, HardNews, Ferrum, Inside, PC-Zone, Hack, Hack-FAQ, Unix, Coding, Joystick, Units. Stereo&Video is a professional guide in the world of audio and video technology. Tests, novelties, market guide. ‘Fuzz’ is the most popular magazine about Russian and worldwide music society. The hottest news and objective reviews and critiques.
- What magazines for kids do you know? Did you use to read any when you were a child?
- In Russia there are some children’s magazines that keep old traditions and remain popular. For example ‘Murzilka’, a monthly magazine for 6 to 12-year-old children. Murzilka, the main character of every issue, talks to children offering them exciting games and contests, giving them endless surprises, tells fairy-tales, adventure and detective stories, legends and myths, poems, pictures and comics. The magazine offers a variety of competitions and quizzes. ‘Veselye Kartinki’ is one of the most popular Russian humor magazines for children from 3 to 7. It organizes leisure for the whole family: table games, cartoons, puzzles, word games, reading.
- What magazines can help you prepare for some school subjects?
- ‘Vokrug Sveta’ contains stories about travel, adventure, geography, unknown lands and civilizations, secrets of nature and history. ‘Nauka i Zhizn’ is a popular science monthly with a broad spectrum of topics for family reading and self-education. It was established in 1890. ‘Tekhnika – Molodezhi’ is a monthly for people who are interested in: exciting developments in science and technology, adventures, inventions, fantastic projects and hypothesis, enigmas of lost civilizations, mysterious cases, and phenomena. ‘Yuniy Naturalist’ is a unique, popular-science, well illustrated, the oldest monthly magazine about nature for children and youth. It is reliable for everyone who is interested in ecology and biology.
- What are the magazines for those who like literature?
- ‘Novyi Mir’, one of the oldest Russian literary magazines, offers articles on history, philosophy, history of culture, popular, archival, and critical materials, memoirs, diaries, and book reviews. The monthly literary magazine ‘Inostrannaia Literatura’ introduces the best foreign literature in various genres in Russian translation.
- What magazines do people read if they want to relax?
- If people like scanwords, they read scanword magazines like ‘Razgadai’ and ‘Otdokhni’. ‘Karavan Istorii’ is a collection of the most intriguing stories about famous people, traditions, and events in Russia and abroad. ‘Fashion Collection’ is a well known magazine from Russia offers the latest news from the Fashion capitals of the world - Paris, Milan, New-York and London, the direct reports about the fashion and culture events, the interviews of the most important designers and people of fashion; the best clothes, shoes, accessories, jewelry and other goods for the luxury and beautiful life of its readers. ‘Cosmopolitan’ is one of the most popular women’s magazines in the world..
- In what newspapers and magazines can you find some serious information and comments?
- “Sovershenno sekretno” was established in 1989 by Yulian Semenov and Artem Borovik. It is famous for its unique materials from restricted sources, dangerous journalistic investigations, courageous versions and exciting detective stories. “Zdorov`e” is about health and what it depends on. It shares with you the secrets of good sleep and food, of taking care of sick people, of news in alternative and classical medicine, of handling psychological problems and stress.

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I love holidays very much. We have to study most of the year. Everybody is looking forward to summer vacations. It’s time for traveling, going out with friends, doing summer sports, and spending a lot of time in the fresh air.
My best summer vacations were in 2001 when I went to Slovenia. Slovenia is a small country in East Europe which is ideal for holiday-makers. Panorama of Slovenia reveals infinite beauty of green forests and meadows, of high mountain peaks, lakes, rivers and sea. There is a karst region with its mysterious underground world. Slovenia has the alpine climate in the northwest, the sunny and mild weather in the Adriatic coastal area, and hot summers and cold winters over the eastern plains. We were there in August, it’s not out-of-season but still we enjoyed uncrowded facilities unlike in other European countries.
We arrived at Ljubljana international airport. Then we went to Rogaska Slatina spa resort by coach. Due to good roads and a countrywide system of motorways, bus service within Slovenia is excellent and convenient.
In Rogaska Slatina we stayed in Grand Hotel Sava. It’s a modern hotel for those who look for careless relaxation and are aware of the importance of healthy way of life and good feeling. Rooms are nicely furnished, all with direct telephone connection, TV set with satellite programs, mini bar and bathroom.
Hotel Sava offers many opportunities of enjoyment. We had exercises in fitness studio, walked through small boutiques, and visited beauty or hairdresser’s saloon. We tried relaxation massages and baths. We drank thermo mineral water and went to a big swimming pool.
We had trips to Ljubljana where we could go sightseeing. Ljubljana is the capital of the Republic of Slovenia, an undiscovered mini-Prague. Like many ancient towns, the city of Ljubljana is topped by a castle on a prominent hilltop. First built for protection in the 12th century, the castle was expanded into a fortress in the 1400s. We had a guide tour around the castle. We went upstairs to explore the towers and enjoyed vivid views over the city and countryside that could be seen in all directions. Looking down from the castle tower, we got a sense of this city. It can be called the city of bridges because it was built on both shores of the Ljubljanica River.
The area of Slovenia called Postojna is actually a thick crust over an endless system of caves and underground mysteries. Limestone and rainwater have created distinctive karst phenomena such as sinkholes, chasms, disappearing lakes, and underground caves.
We went to the town of Postojna which is a center for travelers and the starting point for visits to the major caves of Postojna. Our tour began with an underground ride on an open Disneyland-type train which carried us a couple of miles through tunnels to a big entrance chamber. There, tourists were asked to sort themselves into different language groups and to follow the appropriate guide on a further trek -- with explanations -- through various tunnels, caverns, and levels of the inner cave. The tour lasted 90 minutes, and we could examine various stalactites and stalagmites that have been forming grotesque shapes from drips.
Next we went to Lake Bled, a tourist paradise. I have a famous photo of the blue lake with a tiny island half taken up by a small 17th century church. The weather was not very warm and few people could swim in the cold water.
One more trip was organized to a deer farm. We saw tamed deer. We could feed them. It was really great!


- What is more important for women: career or family life?
- In my opinion, there are women with different character traits. Some women are born to be business ladies; others are good mothers and wives. It is very difficult to combine duties of a nursing mother and an office clerk.
- Do women have to make their choice whether to bring up children or make a career?
- If a woman wants to have children and don’t give up her career, she can wait until her baby is old enough. Then she can go on with her career.
- Are you sure that she will have a well-paid job in this case?
- Of course, it’s not easy to find a well-paid job, especially for young and inexperienced mothers. But if a woman is ambitious enough, she can take some courses, get some necessary skills, and catch up with those who didn’t have a break in their professional activities.
- Do you think it’s possible when nobody helps the young mother?
- You are absolutely right. Women need support. It’s important to have a loving husband who cares for his wife. It’s great when a baby has a granny who can look after him or her. Not every family can afford a baby-sitter.
- So, the situation is not very simple.
- That’s right. In a famous movie, ‘Moscow Doesn’t Believe Tears’, the main character, Katya, was hard-working and lucky enough to become a chief executive and bring up a daughter. Her career and family life were OK. But it’s an exception rather than a rule. It’s a fairy tale. In real life, career and high wages are for ambitious men or for ambitious single women.


The tradition of celebrating the New Year’s Day is a very old one, and goes back to our pagan past. Peter the Great ordered to celebrate it on the 1st of January, to decorate houses and rooms with evergreen plants, and make fireworks. Therefore (таким образом), European traditions were introduced in Old Russia.
New Year’s Day is, probably, the main holiday in our country. We start preparing for its celebration long before the 31st of December. We buy presents, discuss the menu, and choose clothes that would make the celebration worth to see the ‘old’ year off.
Most people believe that New Year’s Day is a family holiday, although young people usually get together to have fun.
Well, the holiday begins when we put up the New Year Tree. It is a young fir-tree. Some people buy natural trees, but we have a plastic one. We decorate rooms with special decorations. We have a beautiful collection of glittering glass balls that add to the spirit of the holiday when they are placed on our fur-tree.
The holiday is great fun for children. The memories of New Year’s celebration stay as the best memories of our childhood for the rest of our lives.
The atmosphere of the holiday is especially delightful because schoolchildren have school vacations and even little kids are allowed to stay up late.
At ten minutes to midnight the Presidents makes his traditional speech. We all listen to the speech, then wish each other ‘Happy New Year!’ and drink a glass of champagne. Then it is the time for presents. I usually give my parents DVD disks with their favorite films, accessories, decorative candles, and cards with New Year’s wishes. My parents give me toys, clothes, video games, CDs, and cosmetics.
After that we can eat, drink, dance, sing, play games, watch TV, or listen to music. I know that pudding is a traditional dish for the holiday in England. In Russia, a traditional dish is Russian salad. Champagne, Russian salad and watching television programs are the most prominent characteristic features of New Year’s celebration in Russia.
As for my family, we usually have Russian salad, fruit salad, fish salad, a plate with slices of smoked meat and sausage (salami), fish or meat in aspic, pickled mushrooms and vegetables. Then, for the main course, we usually have a big plate either with roast chicken, turkey, duck or stuffed goose. Next year it could be fried meat, like pork, or fried fish, like salmon.
It is a tradition in our family to go for a walk after the New Year meal. We play snowballs, explode crackers, and make fireworks. When we come back, we usually have a big cake and tea with lots of chocolates, sweets, nuts, dried fruit, or coffee with ice-cream. We believe that if you have a lot of tasty sweets on this holiday, the following year won’t bring you bitter troubles and sorrows. That’s why one of the New Year’s traditional candies is nuts in honey.
There’s no holiday like New Year’s Day. It makes people closer. If we celebrate New Year’s Day together, we will never lose our warm relations. It’s my strong belief.


-What Russian cities and towns would you like to visit?
-Most of all I would like to visit St. Petersburg.
-St. Petersburg is a unique city. It is often called ‘Russian Venice’ for its beautiful palaces and canals. I have read about it a lot, but now I would like to see out ‘second capital city’ with my own eyes.
-What places would you like to visit in St. Petersburg?
- Of course, I would like to see the great masterpieces of architecture, such as the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the St. Isaac’s Cathedral, the Kazan Cathedral, the Church of the Savior Blood and the Winter Palace. I would like to see Klodt’s horses at the Annichkov Bridge. I would go to the Hermitage and the State Russian Museum to see all the famous masterpieces of art that are exhibited there. I would like to walk along Nevski Prospekt.
- What other places would you like to go to?
-I am interested in church architecture, so I would like to have a trip around the Golden Ring of Russia which includes Zagorsk, Pereslavl-Zalesky, Rostov, Kostroma, Suzdal, and Vladimir. If I visit these cities, I would learn Russian history and culture more.
It would be interesting to see Novgorod or Novgorod the Great. Novgorod, now a small town, is older than Moscow. It was first mentioned in 859. During the Tatar invasion the town was not destroyed. That’s why now we can see all the beautiful ancient buildings, including St. Sophia of Novgorod and Novgorod Kremlin.


What is a hobby? I think it’s an activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation. People have hobbies just for pleasure.
Hobbies are practised for interest and enjoyment, rather than financial reward. Examples include collecting, making different things, doing sports and getting further education in your favorite sphere. Engaging in a hobby can lead to acquiring substantial skills, knowledge, and experience. However, personal fulfilment is the aim.
What are hobbies for some people are professions for others: a game tester may enjoy cooking as a hobby, while a professional chef might enjoy playing computer games. Generally speaking, the person who does something for fun, not remuneration, is called an amateur (or hobbyist), as distinct from a professional.
An important determinant of what is considered a hobby is probably how easy it is to make a living at the activity. Almost no one can make a living at cigarette card or stamp collecting, but many people find it enjoyable; so it is commonly regarded as a hobby.
Amateur astronomers often make meaningful contributions to the professionals. It is not entirely uncommon for a hobbyist to be the first to discover a celestial body or event.
In the UK, the noun anorak, meaning an enthusiast, is often applied to people who obsessively pursue a particular hobby.
Some common hobbies are: animal breeding, keeping show animals or pets, dollhouses and doll-making, knitting and embroidery.
One of the most popular hobbies today is role-playing game. Some people are keen on historical reconstruction of some events. Some young people called Tolkienists are engaged in fantasy role-playing.
Fantasy role-playing games draw their inspiration from fantasy literature, such as the works of Tolkien. The setting in these games is usually a world with a level of technology similar to that in Europe sometime between years 800-1400. Fantasy elements include magic and supernatural/mythological creatures, such as dragons, elves, and orcs. The genre can be subdivided into high fantasy where supernatural events are commonplace and low fantasy where there are few or no supernatural aspects. Some settings of the game are taken directly from the history of our world. Most gods are often real but there are lots of religion tends.
Russian Tolkienists often gather in Neskuchniy Park and have there role-playing games there. They cross wooden swords in battles, wear medieval clothes, write music, and even speak elfish language. They impersonate themselves with a hobbit, elf, dwarf or some other mythological creatures.
As for me, my hobby is collecting fridge magnets – small decorative magnets used for attaching messages and notes to a fridge. When I travel to different cities, I buy magnets with symbols and sights of this city. My friends and parents know about my hobby, so wherever they travel, they buy me some magnets as a souvenir. I keep my collection in a special box and memories of exciting trips arise again and again whenever I open it. I place my favourite magnets on our fridge. I think it’s a nice hobby.


- What places of interest would you like to visit in Great Britain?
- I would like to visit London, the capital of Great Britain. London is such an exciting and beautiful city, but oh so expensive! So I am not sure that I will have enough money to go other cities. The admission fees for the tourist attractions are very high, just as all the other prices, whether it's food, clothing or public transport. For instance, for the Tower, including the bridge, it’s 16 pounds. However, the good thing is that admission to the museums and galleries is free. I wonder what sort of income people must have who live there!
- So do I.
- I would like to walk along the Tower Bridge. Its history goes back to the first century, when the Romans erected a bridge over the river Thames and made the place a famous trading centre, giving it the name Londonium, the outlines of which still, even today, correspond with the historic centre of London. The Westminster Palace and Abbey are masterpieces. Since 1066 Westminster Abbey has been the place for every Coronation and for numerous other Royal occasions. Westminster Palace is the home of the British Parliament. During the parliamentary sessions one can watch the debates in the House of Commons as well as in the House of Lords, and the visitors' galleries are free. If I had a good fortune to get in, it would give me not only the opportunity of watching the parliamentary sessions, but also to have a look at the marvelous interior of the building. In the House of Lords I would see the throne of the Queen. Walking through Westminster I’d like to enjoy hearing and seeing the famous old Big Ben, which adjoins the palace in the east. It is 315 feet high and has been showing the exact time since 1859! Wow!


My mum is upset: she does the cleaning regularly but window glasses and furniture get dirty very quickly. My dad is upset: there is waste in our park where he likes to walk. My granny is upset: she can’t sleep well because of the noise of a great number of cars. I am upset: my best bathing suit is spoilt with a spot of oil that was in the sea; my best boots are spoilt with chemicals that were sprayed on the roads in winter. Every day we can see what environmental problems may bring our planet on the brink of extinction.
The cause of many problems in our city is pollution. Plants and factories pollute the air with poisonous gases, such as carbon dioxide. They produce gases and substances which destroy the ozone layer. More ultraviolet radiation comes to Earth and causes terrible diseases.
The atmosphere pollution is also dangerous because of greenhouse effect. The climate is getting warmer. The direction of winds is changing. There have been some hurricanes in Moscow.
The number of cars in Moscow is increasing every year. They have poisoned the air in our megapolis.
Another great problem is water pollution. Factories and big cities produce water polluted with poisons or oils and let the water into our rivers. It’s dangerous for people and for the wildlife. We have less clean water to drink.
There are acid rains which damage plants. Trees are being cut down. Forests are disappearing, animals have nowhere to live. I think this price for rapid industrial development is very high.
In recent years, the pollution problems have received great publicity. The media has begun to campaign against tin cans and trash on the streets of Moscow. Non-government organization and environmental groups take measures to control pollution. Many people in Russia join or support Green Party and Greenpeace. There are environmental activists in the Federal Assembly who stress that environmental problems are caused by industrial pollution and the automobile. The Duma passes laws to protect the environment. We hope they will lead to considerable improvements.
There are some ideas how every man can help nature. There are some alternatives to cleaners, pesticides and other substances which we can use, soda, for example. We should not cut trees, we should help animals. We must collect waste properly so it doesn’t get into water or land. There is a good formula of RRR. It is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
We can reduce the usage of electricity and drinking water. For example, when we clean our teeth and let the water run, we lose two or three liters of water. We can stop it if we turn off the faucet.
We can reduce the number of packaging and buying things in plastic bags. It’s very important because it is very difficult to recycle plastic.
We can reuse many things. We can give old clothes to somebody who needs them. We can reuse plastic bags. We should take old newspapers to recycling centers.
As for me, I never litter on the street. I avoid buying aerosol sprays. I use rechargeable batteries because other batteries contain toxic elements. I give my old clothes to my younger cousins. I have brought 50 kilos of old newspapers to school and they were taken to the recycling center. I think I am environmentally conscious.


-What places of interest would you like to visit in the USA?
-I would like to have a tour of the country and cross it from East to West by bus and by car; I believe this tour will be one of the most exciting experiences.
The USA is a country of exceptional natural beauty and fascinating cities. The people are very friendly and happy to assist. I can take the Greyhound bus and go from New York to Washington, the capital of the United States, with magnificent buildings and well tended parks.
Another highlight will be the Niagara Falls - what a breathtaking experience, to ride along the bottom of the Falls and to watch them by night under colored floodlight! Next destination is Los Angeles. It will be an unforgettable experience - an endless sea of lights. Highlights of a sightseeing tour are Beverly Hills, Hollywood and Mann's Chinese Theatre, Santa Monica, Venice Beach...
Then I would rent a car for a round-trip though the Canyons in Arizona and Utah - what indescribable and unforgettable experiences! I would really like to explore the Grand Canyon. The absolute highlight of the entire tour!


I have read a lot about the achievements of Great Britain and the United States in arts. I’d like to tell about creative outbursts in London and Los-Angeles. They contributed greatly into the treasury of world art.
In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, there was a sudden creative flowering of all forms of literature in London. There were poets like Donne and Spenser but main explosion of creativity was centered around the theatre. The building of London’s first theatre in 1576 changed drama from amateur recreation into a professional art. Within a few years, a dozen theatres employed increasing numbers of professional actors and attracted large but not always well-behaved audiences. There was an insatiable demand for new plays and well over 800 plays were written and performed in London between 1570 and 1620. Brilliant playwrights emerged, like Marlowe, Jonson, Webster, and of course Shakespeare. Today Shakespeare’s plays are staged all over the world. Elizabethan theatre became a model for theatres in other countries. Now everywhere theatres are big business with companies of actors.
Los Angeles is the world capital of filmed entertainment. First, it was a little city with orange forest and great weather. But one day in 1908, a group of people from Chicago came to Los Angeles to shoot a film. In 1911 the first studio appeared in Hollywood, which is a part of Los Angeles.
In the 1920s Hollywood made 80% of the world’s films. Since that time American films have been demonstrated in all countries. The stars of American cinematography have become popular worldwide. In the early years they were Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin. Now everybody knows Steven Spielberg, an American film director. He has won three Academy Awards and ranks among the most successful filmmakers in history. During the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, three of his films, Jaws, E.T., and Jurassic Park became the highest grossing films for their time. His films are models of Hollywood blockbuster film-making focused on commercialism rather than artistic purposes. However, in recent years, Spielberg has tackled emotionally powerful issues such as the Holocaust, slavery, war, and terrorism.
There are Hollywood films which are well-known to all movie-lovers. For example,
The Terminator (1984), James Cameron's science-fiction action-thriller film, that grossed $38 million, and made Arnold Schwarzenegger a star; "I'll be back" became a popular catch-phrase.
Gone With the Wind (1939) is often considered the most beloved, enduring and popular film of all time. The script was derived from Margaret Mitchell's novel. This film brought a great success to Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable who starred in the film as Scarlet O’Hara and Rhett Butler. Scarlet has her trademark line “I'll think about that tomorrow” in the film. It is quoted by millions.


- What three books would you like to take to a deserted island with you? Why?
- I would take Joan Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter’ because it’s a magical story, told in the most human of ways and appealing to the heart as well as the imagination. It keeps me in suspense. For example, when I was reading ‘Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince’, I couldn’t put the book down. I was wondering, ‘Will Dumbledore be killed as the rumors seem to suggest? Who is this mysterious Half-Blood Prince?’ Of course, ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ has brought even more suspense with its final confrontation between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort.
- And what about the second book?
- I am fond of adventure stories. If I were on a deserted island I would read Thomas Mayne Reid’s novel ‘The Headless Horseman’. Mayne Reid was an outstanding person. He immigrated to the United States in 1840 and after various adventures in the West served as a lieutenant in the Mexican War. He returned to England and began writing adventure stories that were especially popular with boys. The Headless Horseman is more popular in Russia than in the U.S. It was praised by Nabokov as one of the finest adventure novels ever written. I agree with Nabokov.
- What about book three?
- And book number three. If I had to stay on a deserted island, I would need a guide, a famous novel by Daniel Defoe ‘Robinson Crusoe’. Robinson lived on an island for 28 years. He worked a lot and learnt how to make useful things. This novel is praise to human labour and the triumph of a man over nature. At the beginning of the story we can see a weak man, and then he becomes a strong-willed one. This novel teaches how to overcome hardships.

The pupil who is never required to do what he cannot do, never does what he can do.

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Most people are fond of travelling. If you go to the North of our country, you can see large cold seas and many beautiful lakes. In the South of our country, there are warm seas, wonderful trees and flowers. If you go to the West, you will enjoy lots of wonderful sights in old cities and towns. In the East of our country, there are big woods and high mountains.
When you travel, you visit different places and learn a lot about people’s traditions, beautiful nature. You can travel by car, by plane, by ship, by train, on foot.
The most comfortable way of travel is travelling by plane. It’s the fastest. I also like travelling by train. When you are in a train you can see the beauty of nature, small villages and towns.
While travelling to different parts of the world tourists can learn a lot and have great holidays. For example, if you have enough money, you can go on a safari in Africa. Tourists sit in open-topped vehicles and watch wild animals walking around in their natural environment. It’s really exciting! Most Russian tourists prefer to go to Turkey. They can enjoy the warm sea and comfortable beaches. They can go rafting and visit historical sites. It’s a good way to relax and learn something interesting at the same time.
There are some travellers who are in for hiking. Hiking is one of the best loved outdoor activities of many tourists. Many beautiful places can only be reached overland by hiking, and enthusiasts regard hiking as the best way to see nature. It is seen as better than a tour in a vehicle or horseback riding because the hiker's senses are not intruded upon by distractions such as engine noise and fellow passengers talks. Hiking over long distances or over difficult terrain does require some degree of physical ability and knowledge.
My traveling experience isn’t very big. Last year I was in Volgograd as a winner of a competition devoted to the anniversary of our Victory in the Great Patriotic War. I went there by train. It was called ‘The Train of Our Memory’. Our delegation included veterans of the Great Patriotic War and students from different schools. We put flowers to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers on Mamaev Hill and visited places connected with the great Battle for Stalingrad. It was very exiting to see the famous Monument of Mother Russia on Mamaev Hill and sites where our glorious soldiers were fighting with fascists.
I have been abroad several times. I was in Turkey where I spent my summer holidays at seaside resorts. The trips were great. We had lots of fun swimming in the sea, having disco parties, doing sports. We stayed in luxurious hotels and enjoyed all modern facilities offered to our tourists. It was a great experience.
However, my trip to … in … was the most exciting.


- What inventions of Russian people have influenced the scientific and technological progress?
- I think that the most prominent inventions of Russian scientists and engineers are:

o Mikhail Lomonosov’s achievements in astronomy and mineralogy;
o Dmitri Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements, in which the elements are arranged by atomic number and organized by their related groups; from his table Mendeleev predicted the properties of elements then unknown (gallium, scandium, and germanium).
o Ivan Pavlov’s studies of conditioned reflexes in animals which had a great impact on behavioural theory and learning theory;
o Konstantin Tsiolkovsky’s theory of space flight;
o Sergei Korolyov’s design of intercontinental missile, Sputnik satellite, and Vostok spacecraft;
o Igor Kurchatov’s experimental work in nuclear physics;
o Andrei Sakharov’s developing of hydrogene bomb;
o Peter Kapitza’s work on magnetism and low-temperature physics;
o Nikolai Semyonov’s study of chemical chain reactions;
o Nikolai Basov and Aleksandr Prokhorov’s microwave amplifier called a maser;
o Mikhail Mil’s design of helicopters Mi;
o Zhores Alfyorov’s break-through in laser physics.

- Could you tell us, what was Alfyorov’s research which brought him the Nobel Prize?
- Alfyorov's research, for which he was awarded, was in fiber optics. It is widely used in mobile telephones and dozens of other devices of our every-day life.


Schoolchildren usually do not have much free time, because they have to go to school and do their homework. Still you have to rest sometimes. Usually teenagers spend their free time doing sports, shopping or going out with their mates, sightseeing and traveling, watching TV and listening to music. They spend time with those who share their interests. They listen to their favorite type of music. They may do hip hop dancing, ride bikes, surf the Net or organize fan clubs.
Some teenagers organize groups according to their values and beliefs. Sometimes it has negative effect because they choose to gather in gangs. They drink alcohol, fight, break everything they see, write on walls. It’s vandalism. They enjoy it. They must be freaks who have nothing else to do. They wish nothing else. I think they really have problems with free time activities. Such gangsters, or mobsters, usually get into trouble and create a false image of the younger generation. I find their behavior absolutely provoking and terribly disgraceful.
Some other teens prefer to spend a lot of free time indoors, because they are TV addicts. I am not a coach potato. I am aware of the negative influence of television. But I like to watch …
Lots of teenagers are fond of computer/video games. They like to call themselves gamers.
Some like to be alone, because they are keen on reading or watching video. My friend … says. ‘The coffee is brewing, the sofa is my domain, and let the reading begin…’ Fantasy fiction is very popular with the young people today.
I don’t like this kind of rest. It makes you passive. I prefer outdoor activities. I enjoy being with other people. There are lots of things for us to do.
Most teenagers in Russia like to go out with their mates or simply talk. There are a lot of topics to discuss. Friends can help you find new records, computer programs or just new opportunities to enjoy your leisure time. I feel I could share all my feelings with friends and they understand me very well. We usually go to (McDonald’s, the city center …). We talk about … For instance, my friend … is nuts about skateboarding (hip hop culture, football, arts …) He often tells us about …
I know some teens who are fans of a music group. They collect posters, download albums. They exchange information about their idols with other admirers. They stay in chat rooms for hours.
Some other teenagers prefer to play the music themselves. They write music and lyrics. Some like to read rap. Rock music is still alive. Some teenagers choose to play in rock bands; the so called garage rock has reached Russia.
Other teens are sport fans or go in for sports themselves. Most of my mates support ‘Lokomotiv’ (‘Spartak’ …). My friend and I like to play basketball and volleyball. In summer, we play beach volleyball, badminton, and table tennis. But I would not like to join a team. I want to play just for fun, not to become a champion.
Some teens spend a lot of free time with their pets. One of my friends trains a puppy in his free time. He joined a dog agility club and spends all his free time there.
But the best leisure time activity is traveling. On summer holidays, I usually go to the sea and have lots of fun their. I enjoy swimming, sunbathing, partying, doing summer sports, and sightseeing.


- What is a generation gap?
- Why is it so difficult to bridge the generation gap?
- We are living in the period of reforms. Our society is becoming more and more liberal. It means that on the one hand, our society admits that teenagers are old enough to be responsible for their actions. On the other hand, teenagers are not taken seriously. They are still unable to join in society. At different levels: social, economics or cultural. They can’t take serious decisions; they don’t earn much money and depend on their parents and other adults. Teens become rebellious because they want to express themselves. Adults don’t like their culture; their look, slangs, music, and dance. It’s like a vicious circle. Adults want teenagers to conform to society’s norm. Teenagers show protest in response. How do they do it? They don’t do their homework, miss school classes, socialize only with their mates and prefer to discuss their problems with somebody else, not with the parents. They do everything to shock mum, dad, and head teacher. It’s a common way of behavior for teenagers who have problems.
- How can we bridge the generation gap?
- I think adults and teenagers should avoid conflicts. They should sit down and talk about their problems, assumptions and experiences. It’s very important to spend free time together and have common interests and activities. It means that parents should spend more time with their children.


My family isn’t very big. We live in a block of flats in Zhulebino, on the outskirts of Moscow.
My father is 45. He is a manager. He is hard-working and organized. He is a good specialist in marketing. He drives to his office every day and spends lots of time working on his computer, making and receiving telephone calls, controlling people who work with him. He has many responsibilities. As a result, he comes home tired and exhausted.
My mother is 42. He is very good-looking. She’s got blue eyes and blond hair. She is a designer. She is very good at arts. Her ideas of interior design are fantastic. She is sociable and likes to go out with her friends or with dad and me. We have parties. My mum likes when friends and relatives come to see us. She cooks great meals and we have lots of fun. My mom is helpful. She visits our relatives when they are sick, gives advices about doctors and medicines. She is energetic and very enthusiastic about her work and studies. Yes, she is doing her studies at different courses because she wants to improve her skills. My mum is very popular with her friends and neighbors because she’s helpful, good-tempered and kind-hearted. I think I take after my mum.
My little sister is 12. She is a pretty girl with dark brown hair and green eyes. She is a student of 6th form. She is good at Literature and English. She doesn’t like Maths. I think she is rather uninterested in this subject. But I usually help her and she can catch up with her classmates. I hope she’ll improve. She spends hours talking with her friends over the telephone. Mum tries to make her give up doing it but with little success.
As for me, I am usually calm and patient. I try not to argue with my sister and my friends. I think I am tolerant because it’s not easy to put me down. I get on with my teachers and never have troubles doing terrible things like drinking alcohol, missing classes, gossiping, and cheating. I don’t want to disappoint my mum and dad. I am reliable and organized.
I love reading. My favorite author is J. Tolkien. Fantasy fiction makes my life more exciting. I have some friends who are fond of fantasy role-playing. They like to impersonate themselves with a character from Tolkien’s books. I’m not very outgoing but I often spend leisure time with my friends.
I don’t have much free time. Doing my homework takes a lot of time. Sometimes it’s boring but I understand that I have to study. I am going to get a good education and become a good specialist like my mum and dad.
On weekends, I often go to my grandparents. They live near Kuzminki metro station. My granny is very nice. She’s a great cook. She treats me with tasty dishes like pelmeni, burgers with potatoes and pirozhki. My granny and granddad often have argues about politics because they have different views on the political situation in our country. But I don’t think that after 45 years of marriage they won’t be able to calm down. One way out is to have two TV sets and watch different programs if they can’t stand some films or TV personalities.
We have some family traditions, such as celebration of New Year’s Day, celebration of Women’s Day (the 8th of March), Easter celebration with colored eggs and Easter cake, anniversaries, birthday parties. One of our family traditions is going to Red Square on the 9th of May. On this day we celebrate the greatest victory of the Soviet people over the fascist invaders. We go to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to honour the memory of those who died to defend peace and happiness of our Motherland. We watch the guards on duty and the Eternal Flame burning at the monument. I whisper the great and simple words, ‘Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal’. If we don’t go to Red Square, we watch the parade on TV. When our soldiers march across Red Square I feel that we are a great nation, a country of courageous people and unique culture. We respect our traditions and hope that future generations will keep them alive.


- What would you advise a person who has problems with making friends?
- It’s very sad to live without friends. Some teenagers are really shy and can’t make friends easily. They are usually worried about how they look.They should be more optimistic about their appearance. Then other people won’t care whether you look like a model or not. The main thing is to find a person who shares you interests. At least you should have some interests too.
- But not all teenagers are shy ...
- That’s right. Most teenagers can’t make friends because they always gossip about their mates. There are lots of stupid quarrels that spoil everything. My advice is: never laugh at your mates, never try to show that you are better than other people. Don’t show off. Intolerant and selfish people can’t keep friendly relations.


I think that the most prominent inventions of Russian scientists and engineers are:
Mikhail Lomonosov’s telescope which helped him to study Venus; his achievements in astronomy and mineralogy;
Dmitri Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements, in which the elements are arranged by atomic number and organized by their related groups; from his table Mendeleev predicted the properties of elements then unknown (gallium, scandium, and germanium);
Ivan Pavlov’s studies of conditioned reflexes in animals which had a great impact on behavioural theory and learning theory;
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky’s theory of space flight;
Sergei Korolyov’s design of intercontinental missile, Sputnik satellite, and Vostok spacecraft;
Igor Kurchatov’s experimental work in nuclear physics;
Andrei Sakharov’s hydrogene bomb; Sakharov was called the ‘father of the Soviet H-bomb’
Peter Kapitza’s work on magnetism and low-temperature physics;
Nikolai Semyonov’s study of chemical chain reactions;
Nikolai Basov and Aleksandr Prokhorov’s microwave amplifier called a maser;
Mikhail Mil’s design of helicopters Mi;
Zhores Alfyorov’s break-through in laser physics.

I would like to tell about Russia’s achievements in space research. They are connected with the name of Sergey Korolyov who was the head Soviet rocket engineer and designer during the Space Race (космическая гонка) between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 1960s. Unlike his counterpart in America, Wernher von Braun, Korolev's role in the Soviet space program was kept a closely-guarded secret until after his death. Throughout his period of work on the program he was known only as the "Chief Designer" (главный конструктор).
Although trained as an aircraft designer, Korolev succeeded in design integration, organization and strategic planning. An undeserving victim of Stalin's 1938 Great Purge, he was confined for the best part of six years, including some months in a Siberian gulag. Following his release, he became a rocket designer and a key figure in the development of the Soviet ICBM program (intercontinental ballistic missile – межконтинентальная баллистическая ракета). He was then appointed to lead the Soviet space program. He greatly contributed to the early successes of the Sputnik and Vostok projects. He had plans to compete with America to be the first nation to land a man on the Moon, but he died unexpectedly in 1966.
The Sputnik program was a series of unmanned space missions launched by the Soviet Union in the late 1950s. The name "Sputnik" ("Спутник") comes from Russian, where it means "fellow traveller".
Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite, was launched on October 4, 1957. It was only 53 cm in diameter, and carried only a simple radio transmitter. The transmitter allowed scientists to track Sputnik as it orbited the Earth. The the first artificial satellite burned up in the atmosphere 92 days later. Soviet people were rejoyed when they heard the signals of Sputnik broadcast on the radio all over the world.
Sputnik 2 was launched on November 3, 1957 and carried the first living passenger, a dog named Laika. The mission planners did not provide for the safe return of the spacecraft or its passenger, making Laika the first space casualty.
The first attempt to launch Sputnik 3, carried a large array of instruments for geophysical research.
Sputnik 5 was launched on August 19, 1960 with the dogs Belka and Strelka, 40 mice, 2 rats and a variety of plants on board. The spacecraft returned to earth the next day and all animals were recovered safely.
All Sputniks were carried to orbit by the R-7 launch vehicle, originally designed to carry nuclear warheads.
The launch of Sputnik 1 was a surprise for American government because the first two Project Vanguard launch attempts had failed. Sputnik also led to the creation of NASA and major increases in U.S. Government spending on scientific research and education.
On April 12, 1961 Yuiri Gagarin flew into space and spent 108 minutes there. It was one of the greatest events of the 20th century. Vostok 1 was a single-seat spacecraft that carried Gagarin into space. Since that time no one has doubted Russia’s leadership in space research.


- What kind of person is a true friend?
- In my opinion, a true friend is helpful. As a proverb says, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’. A true friend would never gossip or lay me down. My friend would never laugh at me if I did something wrong.
- Have you got a true friend?
- Yes, my true friend is … You can always see us together. We always help each other in different situations. We have fun together. We help each other to solve our problems. We share interests and plan how to spend free time together.
- Where do you usually go with your friend?
- We often visit theatres …


Great Britain and the USA have great achievements in science and technology. Some of them really shook the world:
o Isaac Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion;
o Charles Darwin provided evidence that all species of life have evolved in the process of natural selection;
o Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity;
o Alexander Graham Bell, an American engineer, invented telephone;
o Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first airplane in the USA;
o Henry Ford created the world’s first car assembly line in the USA;
o James M. Spangler from the USA built the first vacuum cleaner;
o John Logie Baird from Scotland invented television;
o Alexander Fleming, a Scottish bacteriologist, discovered penicillin;
o Bill Gates, an American, created Microsoft DOS (Disk Operating System);
o Scottish scientist Ian Wilmat developed the idea of cloning.

I would like to tell you about three inventions that influenced lives of people in all countries.
To begin with, it’s the discovery of penicillin, the first antibiotic drug, by a Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming.
Fleming did his research work at St. Mary’s Hospital where he became interested in bacterial action and antibacterial drugs. He studied the problems of infection and use of antiseptics in his laboratory. He was interested in antibacterial substances which would be non-toxic to animal tissues. The first fruit of his search was lysozyme, an antibacterial enzyme present in saliva, nasal secretions, and tears. In 1928, while studying this, he found an unusual mould growing on a neglected culture dish. Fleming isolated the dish and grew the mould into a pure culture. This led to his discovery of penicillin. It was a great triumph because penicillin prevented growth of staphylococci. This discovery has saved millions of people’s lives and helped to fight such diseases as tuberculosis (TB).
Now I would like to switch to the story how an American, Alexander Graham Bell, invented the telephone. In 1875, he was experimenting in Boston with the idea of sending several telegraph messages over the same wire at the same time. He was using a set of spring-steel reeds (устройство из железных прутьев). Bell was working with the receiving set (принимающее устройство) in one room, while his assistant, Thomas Watson, operated the sending set (передающее устройство) in the other room. They found out that the steel rod (стальной прут), while vibrating over the magnet, can cause a current to flow (электроток) through the wire. This led to the discovery of the telephone. Now we can’t imagine our everyday life without a telephone.
In conclusion, I’d like to tell you about the creation of Microsoft DOS and Bill Gates, who pioneered the most popular computer program, Windows.
Bill Gates has revolutionized the world of computers. In 1975, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, he started Microsoft, and very soon it became a business success. In 1980, Gates bought a small company which produced an operating system called DOS. He made some changes to it and renamed it MS-DOS. Since that time MS-DOS has been the standard operating system for all PCs. Microsoft has also developed such well-known programs as Windows, Excel and Internet Explorer. Today, Bill Gates’s dream to computerize everything – TVs, telephones, transport, even household appliances, has become true to life. It has made Gates one of the richest men in the world. What next?


- Do you have any free time?
- I don’t have much free time. I have to go to school and do my homework. I prepare for my final exams and entrance exams. Of course, I need to relax sometimes to restore my health.
- How do you spend your free time?
- I like to listen to the music and play the guitar. I am fond of reading.
- What music do you prefer?
- I like different styles of music: …
- What books to like to read?
- I am keen on fantasy genre. I prefer books by …

The pupil who is never required to do what he cannot do, never does what he can do.

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классный руководитель писал(а):

The official name of my native country is the Russian Federation. It is the biggest country in the world. Its great history and unique culture are treasured by all Russian people. I am not an exception. I love my country. I am proud of Russian people and their achievements. I hope my generation will do everything for the benefit of our country.
Russia is famous for its size which is hard to imagine. The flight from Moscow to Magadan takes eight hours. Russia is situated in Europe and Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometers. It borders many countries like Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China. It has a sea border with the USA.
Russia is the country of mighty rivers like Lena, Amur, Yenisei. The largest river in Europe is the Volga. Baikal is the deepest lake. The country is located on two plains: the Great Russian Plain and the Western Siberian Plain. Russia is a country of high mountains. The Caucasus stretches from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea; its highest mountain is Mount Elbrus. The Urals extend from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes. They divide the European and Asian parts of Russia.
Climate has influenced the character and lifestyle of Russian people greatly. It is cold in the North even in summer. The central part has mild climate, in the South it is warm all year round. The climate of Siberia is continental: summers are hot and dry, winters are very cold.
Russia is very rich in mineral resources such as oil, natural gas, gold and others.
The population of Russia is about 150 million people.
The Russian Federation is a presidential republic. The President is the head of state and is elected directly by people. The president guarantees the basic rights of the people and is involved in the work of the legislative and executive branches. The Federal Assembly represents the legislative branch of power. It consists of two houses: the Federation Council and the Duma which make laws. All people can elect their representatives to the Federal Assembly. So, our country is democratic.
I am proud of my country and I don’t want to live anywhere else. I was born in Moscow. Moscow is the capital of our country. It was founded in 1147. It’s a wonderful city. There are many sights here. You can visit a lot of museums, art galleries, theatres, churches, cathedrals and monuments in our capital.
The Moscow Kremlin is the best-known sight visited by millions of tourists every year.
Foreigners say it isn’t easy to understand the Russians. There are a lot of stereotypes about Russian people which are true in many cases. I agree that Russians think and act big, because we are impressed with the size of our country. We build such colossal things as the Cathedral of Jesus Christ the Savior or the Mother Russia Monument in Volgograd. We don’t save water and often waste electricity, because our country is rich in resources.
Anyway, our cruel climate and harsh history made us value stability and overcome hardships.
I like Russian people because they are hospitable. We often gather around the table on holidays or when guests come. When I visit some other countries, I often try to compare them with my homeland. I think there is no place like home.


-What are the advantages of doing sports?
-I think that amateur (любительский) sport has more advantages than disadvantages. Doing sport helps people to stay fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.
-Do you have any friends who are in for sports?
-Yes, I do. I know some people who are fond of sports and do sports regularly. They have well-trained muscles, so they are attractive. I mean, they are pleasant to look at.
-Are there any disadvantages?
-Of course, doing sports takes a lot of time. You have to exercise every day but it’s hard if you have to study. Oh and nobody wants to lose. Some people may be jealous if their rival wins. But professional sport has much more disadvantages.
-What are they?
-You see, the main point of taking part in sports professionally is money. On the one hand, it’s a great motivation for athletes to improve their results. On the other hand, commercialization has often negative influence, for example, some matches are a real cheating of fans.
-Would you like to do a professional sport and get a lot of money?
-No, I wouldn’t. When sport career is over, sportsmen may notice that they are lonely and jobless. Their bodies have been worn out by too much stress, joints (суставы) and muscles get deformed.
-Do you agree that some sports are not good for health?
-You are absolutely right. Sportsmen suffer from physical injuries which they get doing figure skating, wrestling, gymnastics, bobsledding, skiing. Some sportsmen try to get better results using steroids. All these things ruin their health.


British and American people love holidays. Any holiday is celebrated with lots of food and presents.
On state holidays there are parades, fireworks and official ceremonies. For example on Veteran’s Day Americans remember the veterans. The President puts flowers on the Tomb of the unknown Soldiers in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.
One of the best-loved holidays in both countries is Christmas. It is celebrated on the 25th of December. Santa Claus visits children and puts presents into their stockings. It’s a nice tradition.
I would like to tell you about St. Valentine’s Day because I like the tradition of celebrating this holiday.
On February 14 each year millions of cards, flowers, candy and tokens of love (знаки любви) are exchanged between sweethearts, all in the name of St. Valentine. Chocolates and jewelry are the big hits of this holiday as well as romantic dinners.
But who is this mysterious saint and why do people celebrate this holiday? Much of St. Valentine's story is a mystery, clouded by centuries of myths and legends. As a matter of fact, February has long been a month of romance.
The first interpretation has this celebration originating as a pagan (языческая) tradition in the third century. During this time hordes of hungry wolves roamed outside of Rome where shepherds kept their flocks. The God Lupercus, was said to watch over the shepherds (пастухи) and their flocks (стада) and keep them from the wolves. Every February the Romans celebrated a feast called Lupercalia to honor Lupercus so that no harm would come to the shepherds and their flocks.
St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, keeps both ancient Roman and Christian tradition. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid, the Roman god of love, who is represented by the image of a young boy with bow and arrow. Cupid became associated with it because he was the son of Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty.
The most popular legend tells that St. Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. Another version had St. Valentine jailed for helping Christians. He comforted, encouraged, and even rescued victims of religious persecution (преследование). While Valentine was in prison he cured a jailer's daughter of blindness. Claudius became enraged and had Valentine clubbed (забили насмерть дубинками) and beheaded (обезглавлен) on February 14, 269 A.D.
The most romantic story claims that Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself. While in prison, he fell in love with a young girl -- who may have been his jailor's daughter. Valentine poured out his heart on paper, writing the most beautiful love letters to her. When the date was set for his execution, he penned the last words to his sweetheart, which he signed: "From Your Valentine" an expression that is still in use today.
The truth behind the Valentine legends is not obvious but the stories certainly describe him as a sympathetic, heroic, and, most importantly, romantic figure. In 496 Pope Gelasius declared the day in honor of St. Valentine. Through the centuries the February 14 remained a time to exchange love messages and gifts although the holiday was removed from the Church's calendar in 1969.


-Why do people learn foreign language?
- I think our world is becoming a global village. It is necessary to learn foreign languages to communicate with people of different nationalities.
-Why do people choose to learn English?
-About 400 million people speak English. Since many people speak English as their native language in such highly developed countries as the USA, Great Britain and Canada, people in other countries study English to communicate with English-speakers. English is also the language of international communication. Many people whose languages are different, can understand each other if they speak English.
English is now the language used in computers. About half of the mail and scientific books are in English. English is the language of many international organizations like the United Nations. I think these are the main reasons why people in Russia study English.
In my opinion, there is one more reason. We study English because it is taught at schools, colleges and Universities all over the world. It is impossible to work well now if you don’t know English. If someone is going to apply for a good job, the knowledge of English will be required.
-Why are you going to study English after finishing school?
-As for me, I study English because I am going to use it as a language of international communication – lingua franca. Doing my studies or working for a company I will communicate with foreign students and colleagues in English. In my free time I will talk with people in chat rooms in English. I may even read books and watch video in English. Moreover, I like to sing English songs!


Television offers us a lot of possibilities. Firstly, we get informed because we can watch news programs and weather forecast.
Anyway, I appreciate television not only for giving information, but also for entertaining us. There are various TV programs: talk shows, game shows, profiles, crime, sport, news, children’s programs, and, of course, television series.
As for me, my favourite TV program is KVN. KVN is an abbreviation of Russian: Клуб Весёлых и Находчивых. "Club of the Merry and Inventive" people is a Russian humor TV show where teams (usually teams of students) compete by giving funny answers to questions, improvisations, prepared sketches. The program has been aired by Channel One since November 8th 1961. Eleven years later, in 1972, when a few programs were being broadcast live, Soviet censors found the students' impromptu jokes offensively anti-Soviet and banned the KVN for fourteen years. The show was revived during the Perestroika era, in 1986, with Alexander Maslyakov as its host. It is one of the longest-running programs on Russian TV.
The game of KVN is a turn-based task-based team competition in front of live audience judged by panel of judges. Typically, each team is asked to complete 4-5 assignments such as:
Greeting (Privetstviye) - witty introduction of the team, humorous greeting to the jury and spectators.
Warm-up (Razminka) - rapid exchange of funny questions and improvised answers, sometimes played against the audience, jury and/or the host.
Musical Competition (Muzykal'nyy Konkurs or Muzykalka) - a competition in which the competing teams show musicals sketches and numbers involving singing, playing musical instruments and dancing.
STEM - "students variety miniature" (Studencheskiye Estradnyye Miniatyury, Russian: Студенческие Эстрадные Миниатюры) a contest in which only three performers from a team are allowed be on stage simultaneously.
Captains contest (Kapitanskiy Konkurs) - individual competition between the team captains.
Homework - comedy theater sketches on a given topic.
BRIZ - named after the Bureau of Rationalization and Invention. In this contest the teams need to present something such as an invention, a brief historical survey, movies, photo-albums or any type of new idea. It is also called a literature contest because it mainly consists of textual jokes.
News Contest (Konkurs Novostey) - similar to the BRIZ, but focuses on strange and funny "news".
Biathlon (Biatlon) - a contest in which a representative of each team "shoots" two or more jokes at the audience. The jury decides who leaves the "shooting range" until only two contestants remain and the jury picks one winner who gets 1 point.
Freestyle - a more modern and free version of the Greeting in which the teams have no restrictions of genre.
Cinema Contest (Kino-Konkurs) - a contest which involves making a movie, making a clip to a song, making a clip consisting of different video and audio pieces or dubbing a well-known movie.
A panel of judges, usually comprised of well-known celebrities, actors and writers, evaluates performances on wit, humor, production values and spectators reaction and declares a winner by awarding points to the teams. In the Premier-League the jury consists only of famous KVN players.
Groups of KVN teams are organized into several Leagues, where they compete annually for the League Champion title. KVN is so popular that there are literally hundreds of Leagues around the globe. Games of 2 Leagues are regularly broadcast on Russian Channel One: the Major League and the Premier-League, other Leagues are broadcast on local channels. Winner of the Major League (Vysshaya Liga Russian: Высшая Лига) is declared the Champion of the Club.
For more than 20 years TV broadcasts of KVN games receive the highest ratings in Russia. The popularity of the game is so high that even politicians use it as an opportunity to gain extra points, both Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin attended games played before the elections.
My favourite teams are RUDN, Prima and Obychnye Lyudi. I find them extremely witty and creative. Their theatre sketches are great!
In my opinion, KVN is better than Comedy Club. KVN is originally our Russian program. Although, Comedy Club is rather popular with young people today, it is just an American-style stand-up comedy club. Its traditions were not originated in our country; therefore it’s not so close to Russian people. To say nothing about some dirty jokes.


-What is healthy way of life?
-I think it means being active. Health is the man’s greatest wealth. Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about the food they eat, about the air they breathe, and the way they look and feel. They understand that staying active as you get older gives you more energy and helps to avoid diseases.
-How can we stay active?
-Some of my friends are nuts on aerobics, shaping and bodybuilding. We can also do cycling, walking, swimming, and even dancing to keep our body flexible, make our heart and lungs stronger. We shouldn’t smoke or drink alcohol, keep to a healthy diet, avoid junk food.
-What is a healthy diet?
-Healthy diet is based on well-balanced food. Well-balanced food includes 7 important components: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber. We should eat more fruit and vegetables; stop eating chocolate, paste, cakes and sweets in big quantities.


When you are leaving school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It’s not easy to make the right choice of a job. I have known for a long time that leaving school is the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of far more serious examination of my abilities and character.
I have asked myself a lot of times, ‘What do I want to be when I leave school?’ A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about which career to pursue. It was difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds jobs to which I might be better suited. Once I wanted to visit a specialist, a career adviser, and ask him what my future profession might be. My friend said I should visit a fortune-teller. But finally I talked to my parents and made up my mind to go to the State Management University. Our decision is based on the fact that I am good at maths, English and economics. So, my future profession might be a manager.
What do I know about this profession? A manager has to adjust some initial plan and control the actions taken to reach the intended goal. From this perspective, there are five management functions: Planning, Organizing, Leading, Co-ordinating and Controlling. Management is also called "Business Administration", and schools that teach management are usually called "Business Schools". Management also has a responsibility to innovate and improve the functioning of the organization.
A manager is usually hired by a president or an owner of a firm. Any owner of a firm needs a manager called Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who is ultimately responsible for the success or failure of the business. He or she provides overall strategic direction for the firm, often with the assistance of a team of vice presidents. Strategic management decisions like what products to market, what market segments to target, what functions to outsource, what business model to employ, and what geographical areas to operate in are the responsibility of the CEO. The CEO is accountable to the board of directors.
It’s very difficult to be a good manager. I must be well-educated and well-informed. I must know English very well and study Business Correspondence, Finance, Team Work, and Marketing.
My decision to become a teacher of English is based on the fact that I am good at languages and literature. I am rather patient with little children and have an ability to explain things clearly. I hope at my University I will get more skills, study languages further and get some teaching practice.
What do I know about my future profession? Teachers need the ability to understand a subject well enough to convey its essence to a new generation of students. The goal is to establish a proper knowledge base on which students will build their life experiences. The passing of knowledge from generation to generation allows students to grow into useful members of society. Good teachers are able to translate information, experience, and wisdom into a significant knowledge of a subject. I hope I will use all the necessary methods of teaching and become a good teacher.
My future profession is very important because progress in every practical field depends on how people were educated.
Unfortunately, as a profession teaching has very high levels of Work-Related Stress which are listed as amongst the highest of any profession.


-What are the most popular TV programs for teenagers: news reports, music, series or feature films?
-I think that most teenagers are too light-minded to watch news reports regularly. They would rather switch to another channel and watch MTV, Sport or a soap opera on STS. The most popular TV programs are …
-What about feature films?
-Teenagers all over the world are nuts about ‘Star Wars’ which is one of the most popular, profitable, entertaining, and successful science fiction/action - adventure/fantasy films of all time. It has advanced special-effects technology to a degree unseen before. It brought the phrase "May the Force be with you" into common usage. This film is a mythological tale of space-age heroism (fighting Evil for the sake of Good). It features memorable characters - a benevolent ex-Jedi Knight, an imprisoned Princess of the peace-loving Rebel Alliance, two comical robotic droids, a space-pilot (Harrison Ford), a beastly creature named Chewbacca, and an idealistic young boy who becomes trained in the righteous ways of the Force in order to rescue the captured Princess from the evil Empire's Death Star and the dark forces of the Empire, led by evil Darth Vader. All things combined have brought this film a great success.


Russia’s achievements in arts are great. When we speak about Russian culture, we must speak about opera and ballet, music, fine arts, and literature.
Russian opera is well-known. Such masterpieces as ‘Ivan Sousanin’ and ‘Ruslan and Lyudmila’ by Glinka are in the collection of the best operas of the world. Every year thousands of Russian citizens and tourists enjoy ‘Eugene Onegin’ and ‘The Queen of Spades’ by Tchaikovsky.
Russian composers Tchaikovski, Musorgsky, Rakhmaninov and others have created beautiful music. Russian modern composers follow their tradition.
Russian school of painting started long ago, beginning with icon-painting. Well-known icon-painters Pheophan Greek and Andrey Rublyov created masterpieces which attract tourists from all over the world. Russian painters express the Russian soul and the beauty of Russian nature in their pictures. Landscapes of Levitan and Shishkin, historical canvases of Surikov and Repin, mythological pictures of Vrubel and Vasnetsov charm the visitors of the museums.
Russian literature is known as an example of good style. Since the first printing house of Ivan Fyodorov started to work, the Russian people have never stopped to read. Our writers Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, and Fyodor Dostoevsky – are studied at all schools. Verses of Russian poets, such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov, Yesenin, Mayakovsky, are translated into many languages. Mikhail Sholokhov, Boris Pasternak, and Joseph Brodsky were awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
In my opinion, Russian ballet is Russia’s great treasure. The Russian school of ballet is known for its well-trained and beautiful dancers, such as Anna Pavlova, Maya Plisetskaya, Ilse Liepa, Vladimir Vasiliev, and Rudolf Nuriev. They do very difficult elements and have their own unique style of dance. We are proud of our great ballets like ‘The Nutcracker’ and ‘Swan Lake’ by Tchaikovsky, ‘Spartak’ by Khachaturyan.
I admire the star of the St. Petersburg Maryinsky Ballet, Uljana Lopatkina. Maryinsky Ballet is one of the two major ballet companies of Russia. The other one is the Bolshoi Ballet company. Maryinsky Ballet is regarded as the best European ballet company which has strict classical traditions of elegance and beauty. The company was originally the Imperial Russian Ballet. In 1889 it moved into the Maryinsky Theatre. Under the direction of Marius Petipa the company premiered the Tchaikovsky ballets Sleeping Beauty (1890) and Swan Lake (1895). The company went into decline after the Russian Revolution in 1917, but the great teacher and ballet mistress Agrippina Vaganova (1879–1951) helped preserve its traditions by training the company's principal dancers. Her work became the foundation of ballet instruction in the Soviet Union. In 1935 the company was renamed the Kirov Ballet. During the cold war, the company experienced difficulties as many of its dancers, including Nureyev, Makarova, and Baryshnikov, defected to the West. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the company has produced, along with its traditional repertoire, ballets by Balanchine and other modern choreographers. Valery Gergiev now holds the post of the artistic director of the Maryinsky Theatre.

Dialogue Сократите диалог по своему усмотрению, выбрав несколько изданий.

- What newspapers and magazines are popular with teenagers nowadays?
- I think teenagers don’t read magazines a lot. But there are periodical publications which are rather popular. Most girls are keen on fashion and romance so they read magazines for girls such as ‘Elle Girl’. “Rovesnik” is teen’s magazine about all styles in music, the most interesting events in youth culture and celebrities’ lives, fashion and sport news, love for adventures and just love. Boys prefer magazines for gamers. Here are some of magazines which tell about the world of computers. ‘Game.exe’ provides useful information about new and well known games for all ages. It gives all the details of the favorite games, software and video cards. ‘Domashnij Komputer’ is a magazine for the modern family. Presents such computer novelties as new software, PC games, CDs, notebooks, informational resources and Internet search engines.’ Mir PK’ (personal computer), a magazine for all computer users, contains reviews of current software and hardware, new information technologies, results of testing of new products on the Russian and world markets.‘Haker’ is just the right magazine for hackers. In each issue: Hi Tech News, HardNews, Ferrum, Inside, PC-Zone, Hack, Hack-FAQ, Unix, Coding, Joystick, Units. Stereo&Video is a professional guide in the world of audio and video technology. Tests, novelties, market guide. ‘Fuzz’ is the most popular magazine about Russian and worldwide music society. The hottest news and objective reviews and critiques.
- What magazines for kids do you know? Did you use to read any when you were a child?
- In Russia there are some children’s magazines that keep old traditions and remain popular. For example ‘Murzilka’, a monthly magazine for 6 to 12-year-old children. Murzilka, the main character of every issue, talks to children offering them exciting games and contests, giving them endless surprises, tells fairy-tales, adventure and detective stories, legends and myths, poems, pictures and comics. The magazine offers a variety of competitions and quizzes. ‘Veselye Kartinki’ is one of the most popular Russian humor magazines for children from 3 to 7. It organizes leisure for the whole family: table games, cartoons, puzzles, word games, reading.
- What magazines can help you prepare for some school subjects?
- ‘Vokrug Sveta’ contains stories about travel, adventure, geography, unknown lands and civilizations, secrets of nature and history. ‘Nauka i Zhizn’ is a popular science monthly with a broad spectrum of topics for family reading and self-education. It was established in 1890. ‘Tekhnika – Molodezhi’ is a monthly for people who are interested in: exciting developments in science and technology, adventures, inventions, fantastic projects and hypothesis, enigmas of lost civilizations, mysterious cases, and phenomena. ‘Yuniy Naturalist’ is a unique, popular-science, well illustrated, the oldest monthly magazine about nature for children and youth. It is reliable for everyone who is interested in ecology and biology.
- What are the magazines for those who like literature?
- ‘Novyi Mir’, one of the oldest Russian literary magazines, offers articles on history, philosophy, history of culture, popular, archival, and critical materials, memoirs, diaries, and book reviews. The monthly literary magazine ‘Inostrannaia Literatura’ introduces the best foreign literature in various genres in Russian translation.
- What magazines do people read if they want to relax?
- If people like scanwords, they read scanword magazines like ‘Razgadai’ and ‘Otdokhni’. ‘Karavan Istorii’ is a collection of the most intriguing stories about famous people, traditions, and events in Russia and abroad. ‘Fashion Collection’ is a well known magazine from Russia offers the latest news from the Fashion capitals of the world - Paris, Milan, New-York and London, the direct reports about the fashion and culture events, the interviews of the most important designers and people of fashion; the best clothes, shoes, accessories, jewelry and other goods for the luxury and beautiful life of its readers. ‘Cosmopolitan’ is one of the most popular women’s magazines in the world..
- In what newspapers and magazines can you find some serious information and comments?
- “Sovershenno sekretno” was established in 1989 by Yulian Semenov and Artem Borovik. It is famous for its unique materials from restricted sources, dangerous journalistic investigations, courageous versions and exciting detective stories. “Zdorov`e” is about health and what it depends on. It shares with you the secrets of good sleep and food, of taking care of sick people, of news in alternative and classical medicine, of handling psychological problems and stress.

The pupil who is never required to do what he cannot do, never does what he can do.

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